• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. U

    Say HI if you like cheese!!

    Does anyone see my posts?? Lets find out... using something completely random! POST IF YOU LIKE CHEESE!!!
  2. U

    Kairi and Sora

    well this is all a bunch of $#!+
  3. U

    English Voices

    I'm fine with them. I think they'll be ok. I'll have to play the game before I can see if I think they all suit properly.
  4. U

    What kind of things do you think SE will come up with?

    Ok, so we all know that if Nomura makes a KH3 (kind of inevidible) it will be on the PS3 platform. So I'm just wondering... with all the power of the next generation, what kind of innovation do you think SE will come up with? Do you think they'll just boost graphics and add more gameplay...
  5. U

    Have anyone of you...

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo That would ruin the whole game... cause every time Namine said something I'd be thinking "I hate Hilary Duff... man this sucks."
  6. U

    slow mo versions of the new trailers *possible spoiler*

    Thanks man. I'm sure this helps a lot of those of us who are blind and don't know how to work a movie player. I have creative media center so I can play movies at whatever speed I want :P
  7. U

    Deep Dive World

    It is possible that they came up with the consept of the Deep Dive world from some of the art they made for KH1...
  8. U

    Deep Dive World

    No its not the deep dive world. Nomura already said it was just something they came up with for the cover. The moon is interesting though.
  9. U

    Weird light beams that destroy the heartless..

    yeah... after looking at the shape of the spikes compared with his weapons they do look very similar... almost tooo similar... DUM DUM DUM:D Edit: hey I never thought of that chasingdusk... that's a definite possibility. That would be crazy.
  10. U

    Weird light beams that destroy the heartless..

    Hmm... I really don't think it's Xigbar. I think its just one of Sora's awesome new moves that SE put in.
  11. U


    She is fine... oh so fine:D I really like what the boys at SE have done with her. I hope they keep up the good work for KH3:p
  12. U

    Pic from Jump Festa 2006 Trailer

    I think it could be the superior... maybe he's finally becoming whole or something.
  13. U

    Pic from Jump Festa 2006 Trailer

    If its Kingdom Hearts that would support Ansem's theory that deep in every heart there is darkness... 'cause the heart has a dark cloud in the center around the guy... but then again, in the very center its bright around the guy, so I dunno
  14. U

    Pic from Jump Festa 2006 Trailer

    Yeah, thats it. Sorry, I thought it was new. Is that what they are talking about in the Jump Festa Trailer discription then? Or is the jump festa one a different "great heart"?
  15. U

    Pic from Jump Festa 2006 Trailer

    Crap... yeah its not working ne more... I don't know why... I just linked to it from some geocities site. Stupid geocities... so unreliable.
  16. U

    Pic from Jump Festa 2006 Trailer

    Yeah I edited my original post to fix the link. Any thoughts on the great heart? I personally have no idea what it could be or who is in it, but maybe someone else could shed some light on the situation.
  17. U

    Pic from Jump Festa 2006 Trailer

    Hey, In the new Jump Festa 2006 trailer discription on the kh2 ultimania website it says: "There is a huge Heart about the size of the Moon, Kairi and Namine have no idea who each other are, then there is a fainting pose Then you see Sora and co. confronting this HUGE WIND. Then there is a...
  18. U

    Noticed something in the new trailer...

    Hi I'm new so I appologize if someone else has already made a thread about this. I was watching the new promo trailer and I noticed at the part where it shows Roxas and his friends sitting on a ledge in Twilight Town that they are holding up coloured balls... they are green, orange, yellow and...