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Search results

  1. T

    BBS collectors edition in Germany

    We don't know yet that the rest of Europe isn't getting the collector's edition. I'm from europe and I'm really hoping that the rest of europe get it. plus, when dissidia was released, there was a collector's edition available for all european countries. It wudn't make a single bit of sense for...
  2. T

    KHInisder.com's BBS Boxart Contest [SUBMISSIONS CLOSED]

    Re: KHInisder.com's BBS Boxart Contest [DEADLINE JAN 9TH] Do I post the link for my box art on this thread? Or if If I have to email it.. what's the address?
  3. T

    Birth by Sleep(collector's edition)?

    lol, we can only dream i'm afraid
  4. T

    Birth by Sleep(collector's edition)?

    Yeah, I love that poster. It doesn't feel right for box art though. Oh yeah, a guide book. Forget all about that. Maybe a mini one like the guide book that came with the Dissidia Collector's edition
  5. T

    Birth by Sleep(collector's edition)?

    lol, I was just thinking of a metal tin too.
  6. T

    Birth by Sleep(collector's edition)?

    lol, don't have a credit card, I'm 15
  7. T

    Birth by Sleep(collector's edition)?

    Best items: 1. Action Figures 2. Concept Designs 3. Soundtrack
  8. T

    Birth by Sleep(collector's edition)?

    lol, so can action figures. I still like the ideas of action figures though. Maybe some downloadable content codes for the PSN store, extra costumes, keyblades etc..
  9. T

    Birth by Sleep(collector's edition)?

    A Birth by Sleep hoodie wud be cool!
  10. T

    Birth by Sleep(collector's edition)?

    lol, omg I was thinkin about action figures too. Yeah some concept designs wud be cool. I was thinking of a giant poster, a soundtrack, and....A REPLICA KEYBLADE!!
  11. T

    Birth by Sleep(collector's edition)?

    If there was a limited collector's edition,(not the new psp bundle, just the game and some contents) what content would you like to see included with the game? It cud be like the Dissidia collector's edition. What's your opinion??
  12. T

    Genesis in Birth by Sleep?

    I was just thinking...How cool would it be if Genesis from Crisis Core appeared as Zack's antagonist in Birth by Sleep? You could maybe party up with Zack? What do you think?
  13. T

    Birth By Sleep Keyblades changed?!?!

    I loved Terra's old keyblade design. His hilt looked so cool, but now it's round and looks pretty ugly,lol.
  14. T

    Too much revealed.

    I don't think the trailer spoiled too much. It doesn't explain any mysteries or anything, like why does ven look like roxas which will be revealed in the game.