Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
well i hope this one truens out better..actually this is a dream i had last night i thought i could turn it into a story. it doesnt have any dialog and it will prolly be done in 3 chapters. though the charactars arnt who i dreamed of as it was me and other people so i changed them lol. well i...
tell me if you like it...or if you dont but be nice about it please its my first fan fic i know my spelling and grammar are a bit off lol ... ok here it goes (asuming they are not nobodies but their own person)
chapter 1~
king micky decided to pick 12 members for his new court, it was...
ok pretty much explainitory
what do you people think the keyblade would look like without a keychain or does it have to have a keychain to exist?
the kingdom key is a keychain so what would it look like with out it??
any ideas?
ps(im not sure if there is a thread like this dont get mad at me...
i finished it with the 3 hit combos i cant member what they were but yea i wanna try beating kh1 with only like 3 abilities that would seem really hard
i was hoping it would win too sadly it didnt though lol
off subject please some one tell me were i can download some video editing softwere for free???!!! pwees!!!