• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. C

    Sephiroth wants to share 'dis pear

    Okay, if anyone has seen my I got a Jar of Dirt Forum Game, you might be wondering what the hell does this have to do with it. Well... I originally had the same kind of game on Gaia Online in a Kingdom Hearts RP Guild. One of the Vice Captains of the Guild guessed Angry Pears, the Captain goes...
  2. C

    Forgetting the plot...

    I found it challenging at some points, I hated the missions where you had to follow a target without being seen by it. The LeechGrave was a bitch to defeat UNTIL I GOT THE DAMNED RAGE GEAR... I love the Rage Gear to death now. I still haven't completed the game but some missions sometimes were...
  3. C

    mission hardest to get 100% complete

    Hmm, what about that mission where you had to fight two bosses in Wonderland, that mission was a bitch but I managed to finish it in one go. Yeah, I kill one of them and it is dazed and then I go to kill the other one (I love the Rage Gear) and next thing I know, the second one resurrected the...
  4. C

    I got a Jar of Dirt

    And Guess what's inside it! ((Anything can be in the Jar... even the most Illogical things))