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Search results

  1. R

    Theme Similarities?

    Okay, I haven't been on in SO long x3 So, this may have been brought up already(or atleast, what this revelation suggests might have already been agreed upon), but has anyone noticed the similarities in the trumpet riffs in Disappeared and Rage Awakened(aka, Xemnas' and The Enigmatic Soldier's...
  2. R

    ES Battle?

    I know it's only been a couple of days since the game came out, but has anyone hit the Enigmatic Soldier battle yet?
  3. R

    His Eyes Move

    If you look in at the secret movie VERY CLOSELY, just before the 3 minute mark, the eyes of the soldier that was just iced move. Just a little tidbit I noticed, I dunno if anyone else has. Personally, I'm started to think the old man "icing" the soldier wasn't as simple as it looked. First, he...
  4. R

    how long did it take you to beat Riku and Sora's game

    Hm, can't remember how long it took me to beat Sora's side, but I do remember Riku's being insanely easy, almost like a Boss Attack mode, really. Around 7 hours total :D I'da beat it in one day, except I got stuck fighting Replica Riku, and had to go to bed >_<
  5. R

    Sora's Original Design?

    Well, uh, I know the rumors of how Mickey was supposed to be the original main char in KH1, but I also heard another interesting rumor: that Sora's original design(when he was decided on) was that of an anthro lion, and that it was supported by some concept art(you can find it at kh2.co.uk, cuz...
  6. R

    In regards to Roxas and Namine (spoilers!)

    I know that this is directly contradicted if you take what they say in the game literally, but there seems to be something fishy about this "all nobodies have no hearts" thing. I don't know what's really going on, and I'm not going to speculate, but the fact that Axel actually had feelings for...
  7. R

    dreams on kh2

    4 words: Kingdom Hearts Dance Party. Rather confusing, actually. :D
  8. R

    KH2: Final Mix Bosses?

    Dunno if anyone's made a thread for this yet, but what bosses would you like to see in the FM version? Personally, I'd like to *atleast* see one or two of the Org members Sora kills in CoM. Especially Larxene, cuz, you know, she rocked. :D Anyway, what do you all think? DISCUSS, MY MINIONS!!!!
  9. R


    I know this has probably already been posted before, but it just came to me, since Pixar is now a part of Disney, doesn't that mean there could possible be an agreement that allows them to make a KH movie? They'd be perfect for it, too, as the Incredibles proved: they can make an action-oriented...
  10. R

    What do you think about the ending in KH2?

    Yeah, did anyone else find it weird that he just was like,"Hey Kairi," and then he saw Riku and he's like "OMG RIKU I'VE MISSED YOU!!!! *sob*" I told my friend, and she's like, 'I told you, they're lovers!!!" XD
  11. R

    What do you think about the ending in KH2?

    It was more or less obligatory cliff hanger... Japanese stories tend to have somewhat open endings... Anyway, yeah, I actually thought about the whole body+soul+heart=total person, but I seriously don't want another Xemnas/Xehanort thing. I liked him better when he was Ansem, with that other...
  12. R

    Probably gonna get flamed for this :P

    But how about a Halo world in KH3? Yeah, I know it isn't Disney, but still, I'd think it'd be kickass. And then, either an energy sword keyblade, or an automatic rifle-styled one. Personally, I think it'd be worth it just to hear Master Chief muttering incredulously,"A keyblade?!" :p I know...
  13. R

    Orginazation XIII should be......

    Though, yeah, I had been kinda hoping that the dudes you killed would have returned, but, alas, it wasn't meant to be :P
  14. R

    A Roxas Game?

    I haven't beaten the game yet (homework -_-; ), but I remember after Roxas' part in the game was over, I was kinda sad that I didn't get to play as him anymore. I mean, I thought he played pretty well (if slower than Sora), and as a character he was WAY more interesting than Sora. I kinda left...
  15. R

    Orginazation XIII should be......

    You... forgot Marluxia's name... BLASPHEMY!!!! XD
  16. R

    Forze del male?

    oh, THANK YOU!!!! by the way, it's NOT spanish, it's italian. >_< and since the soundtrack was only released in Japan (let alone the US or Europe), there IS no spanish soundtrack, atleast to my understanding...
  17. R

    Forze del male?

    *sigh* if you look at the tracklisting for the kh1 soundtrack, right after Scherzi di notte (the hollow bastion battle theme) will be a song called "forze del male". does ANYONE know when it's used in the game?
  18. R

    Forze del male?

  19. R

    Forze del male?

    um... yeah. it is. Forze del Male is one of the boss themes (i think it's a boss theme...) in KH1. I think it is right after Scherzi di Notte on the soundtrack, so I assumed it was one of the battles in Hollow Bastion, but I dunno...
  20. R

    Forze del male?

    Does anyone know what boss battles Forze del Male is used in?