Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Marluxia: I'm bored, let's betray the orginization.
Lexeaus: I'm bored let's betray Marluxia who is betraying the orginization.
Sora: I'm bored let's go in that castle.
In case anyone was wondering jokes can be about Kingdom Hearts or CoM.
4 jokes!
The first:
Riku is fighting Riku Replica
Marluxia: 20 bucks on Riku.
Lexeaus: You're on.
The Second
Ansem and Sora are fighting
Ansem: I must have the keyblade to open ultimate darkness!
Sora: Like I'll give it...
long time i finally made a funny joke!
A heartless hits Sora.
*Throws potion*
*Flies up and hits Sora in face*
Sora: Ow! Mother ******! I'm even more hurt now!
Donald: Sora!
*Another potion thrown*
*Hits Sora in face and glass shatters*
Sora: God! That hurts! I need to heal now...
I hope there are hard boss fights. The ones in KH cept sephy and Zisa were easy. Rock titan was so easy just loads of health. I assume it would be hard with the interaction thing to attack the boss.
this is for all the fans of the transformations. Post as many as possible even make up characters to fuse with. And you can use characters over and over just new attacks and names. Enjoy!
Lion-heart form:
Fuse with leon
Weapon: Gunblade
Skills: Lion heart like arcunum except...
I assume that Auron fights cause the trailers showed him doing bushido (combo with sora) and with health bar and everything. Even though i couldn't translate it. As 4 Herc a maybe, A demi-god on ur team would be awesome but too odd.
Well i dunno but mickey at the end of kingdom hearts had a light around him with billions of heartless around. And in CoM he guided Riku to light even though he went dawn.
Sora light. But riku was the original keybearer.
Riku's soul eater doesn't count as a keyblade.
BHK a twilight keyblade...