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Search results

  1. S

    woo hoo!

    ok so today i started playing kingdom hearts 2 again and before i tried to make it as hard as possible.so i used all the basic weapons,no armor or accesory and i took the staff in the begining.so i went against the guy i think his name is xiabar in the beasts castle.well i just killed him...
  2. S

    a quiz for final fantasy people

    who knows thier final fantasy quiz!.dadadada.o.k.no cheating! do not get ur booklets or ur manuals.lets see who can get a perfect score. 1.which of these charecters is not from the final fantasy games. A.barret. B.zell. C.tifa. D.helix. E.cecil. 2.what is squalls best weapon in final fantasy...
  3. S

    a quiz

    who knows thier final fantasy quiz!.dadadada.o.k.no cheating! do not get ur booklets or ur manuals.lets see who can get a perfect score. 1.which of these charecters is not from the final fantasy games. A.barret. B.zell. C.tifa. D.helix. E.cecil. 2.what is squalls best weapon in final fantasy...
  4. S

    Roxas or sora

    sora because his name starts with a s :)
  5. S

    ok ultima weapon or fenrir???

    go ultima! fenir was cool looking.but it lowered ur air attack combo by 1!.which was retarded.and ultima is like playing with MAGIC and never running out.God bless the guy who made ultima weapon.we are in your debt.
  6. S

    What was your saddest part in KH2? (Possible spoilers)

    r u all serious?u cried?its a video game!!!!!.when was it sad?o.k.so axel died.so what?its a video game.u people are babys
  7. S

    Be honest..

    i don't hate it.it is just people put up stupid stuff like this that the answer is so simple.
  8. S

    Be honest..

    cloud would kill.cloud killed sephiroth and he has a sweet buster blade!.sora has a keyblade.a keyblade.what is he gonna do spank cloud with it and make butterflys come out of cloud?and cloud is awesome!.and sora is like dumb.its the power of the keyblade!!!!!.dumbest line ever.cloud would kill...
  9. S

    Post here if ur a lvl 99

    i am lvl 99.woo hoo!.and i um.i um.uuuuummmmmmmmm.idk.but i am a lvl 99 :)
  10. S

    who do you think is the best kh2 player in this site?

    well i am a lvl 99 with over a 100 attack defense magic and ap.and i have ultima weapon and fenir.and i have all drive froms to lvl 7 and i am on proud.so is that good?
  11. S

    I know where the secret ending takes place!

    dude wow!.good job!.that could make alot of sense.like 3 warriors coming from those 3 roads.light darkness and both.and now there is a 4th road!.wow this is so awesome.awesome find!
  12. S


    o.k.well like everyone knows.kingdom hearts 2 was way to easy!.it was long but easy!.i killed in the game!.it was so easy to level up and get strong ups.my guy has a 100 attack!.and i am on proud.the bosses were super easy.so simple.espically orginization 13.i killed all of them...
  13. S

    secret ending for KH2 spoilers!

    o nomura said that?well that is cool if they are all new guys.but are they on your side or are they against you?
  14. S

    secret ending for KH2 spoilers!

    o.k.this is my first time doing a thread so bare with me on this. well i was just watching the secret ending for KH2 and it said memorys of xenahort or whatever his name is.well here comes the spoilers so scroll down if u want well xenahort is the guy who followed...