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KH2 final mix
i was lookin at the scans on the site of final mix and the pic of that guy thats in the middle of the page i think is one of the three keybladers in the secret ending of KH2. im not to sure cause i cant read japanese but just a thought. tell me wat yall think
if u had a chance to work on Kingdom Hearts 3 how would u make the story line? What would the new characters names be? How would they connect with Sora and the others.
I think the game will show little clips of the passed in the game...Possibly to show what is geting ready to happen in the future.. remember that Nomura said that "it takes place in the past but u can also say its in the future".
I was thinking that maybe they can make KH into more thin a game maybe a move. They could make COM into a movie sence it basicly retells what happend in the first game and u find out about the Org. alittle. What do yall think?
he said it was so his eye couldent lie. sora thin said "u dont have to lie to us riku". Thin Riku said "it was to stop me from lieing to myself". not exact words but same meaning
I think they did a good job with it cause u no how effin hard it is to get that meny ppl or in this case heartless on the screen at 1 time. If it was like on a next gen counsol thin i would say it sucked but to pull that off on the PS2 thats awsome.