Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
he didnt add to the lore, he completely changed the reasoning of the previous games, why do you defend this so much? you sound like a sheep
they had memories and used those to imitate feelings. roxas could act emotional due to having a connection with sora and some argued he was using Ven's...
thats basically a middle finger to the developer's who bothered putting that stuff in the game for you to play.
you are just projecting now
it makes sense because they told you they do so
thats wasnt a bad thing at all actually, i never said it was.
thats still not an excuse...
Is how there are so mnay original characters but they reduced to just being jerks/obstacles with barely any exposistion. This trend began with chain of memories when they introduced the Organization. You got all these knew characters, but you dont learn anything about them at all. They just...
You know I get it. The problem for me was that DDD dragged out the story which led to KH3 being even more overhyped. If it was released earlier, maybe people wouldnt be so judgemental about it. Another issue might be that they released the trailers waaaay too early
replay value is a thing for games. Final Fntasy X had lots of postgame content that encoruaged the pplayer to grind and obtain the celestial weapons.
I never said KH2 was pefect. I mentioned that vanilla KH2 was an incomplete game too. And the disney worlds were bad too. The issue is that KH3...
i always felt it was out of nowhere, i was like "time travel?". Also Young Xehanort is so bland in my eyes as a villain, they didnt bother giving him some attitude and gestures to make him interesting. most of the time he just stands there and talks like he is reading a script. and the problem...
they are actually pretty serious about. i can show you some responses where they explain how to beat the bosses, ofc they dont provide any video to show that its applicable
But unlike the DS GG community, this community is a bunch of smartasses who have never even played the game. Because most of them claim that secret bosses like No Heart have openings and telegraph their attacks, you can learn them and exploit their openings. Also, according to them, BBS is very...
Imo the series began declining after DDD. Thats when it became obvious that SE is just another money grabbing company. I was pissed off when i saw the trailers for that game back in 2011 when i was still in HS. The entire game was an excuse to reuse assets from previous games, it was the 4th...