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Search results

  1. T

    BIG: Xion's relationship with the other organization members.

    We know what it is but we found that out in COM and the broken gravestone was in KH2 so it must have been afterwards that nomura decided to keep something secret if u know what i mean.
  2. T

    BIG: Xion's relationship with the other organization members.

    Yeah thats what I mean lol. but dont you think im on to something parts of my theory could easily be why xion has a keyblade, why riku thinks its fake and why nomura has kept secrets about Zexions weapon and had his gravestone destroyed in KH2.
  3. T

    BIG: Xion's relationship with the other organization members.

    yes i know zexion is dead but xion could be a clone of him that he created and i know xion is a girl but in my post i say he could has altered this clones looks as an illusion (make the clone look like a girl). yes i now realise that vexen made the riku replica but Zexion was one of the members...
  4. T

    BIG: Xion's relationship with the other organization members.

    I think I might be on to somethin. This might not mean anythin but first off, something I noticed was that with all three of the top ranked people in Organization XIII their name all begin with an X as does Xion. Now for the main part. I think Zexion has something to do with Xion. The first...
  5. T

    Kingdom Hearts and memories

    This doesnt have much to do with kingdom hearts but after playing it, it got me thinking. You have tons of memories in your head from your whole life but its strange that some of them you cant remember unless something triggers in your head that reminds you. I just wonder what else is in my head...
  6. T

    Kairi's Keyblade (kinda long)

    I know this has probably been discussed a lot already but what was actually up with that keyblade kairi got in TWNW, riku just pulled it it out of nowhere. I remember it was kind of flowery. I thought maybe things are leading up to another keyblade war so new keyblades appear and find worthy...
  7. T

    Birth by Sleep

    its about them but if the title is birth by sleep then it must mean somebody was born because of sleep. im just saying how i thought that might have happened.
  8. T

    Birth by Sleep

    I was just playing re:COM and axel said to sora that while in castle oblivion you may awaken sleeping memories and in result no longer be yourself. I thought maybe the opposite is what happened to whoever is being referred to in the title to the psp game birth by sleep. Another person was born...
  9. T

    Cornerstone Theory (Small Spoilers)

    Ive been thinking about this for a while and sorry if it has been discussed already,but i did search and didnt see anything like it. Anyway as we all know there is the cornerstone of light in disney castle, now if you think about the name "cornerstone" that suggests that its one corner of a...