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  1. WaltK

    When are we expecting news?

    "The worldwide release was bad actually because the game's content got spoiled online for those who couldn't play the game right away, which wouldn't have happened if we released it in Japan first and made the rest of the world wait longer. Flawless logic".
  2. WaltK

    General Kingdom Hearts Manga Discussion

    Panini UK are finally releasing the English version of volume 3 on 1st April.
  3. WaltK

    When are we expecting news?

    Did I imagine it or did Nomura once say the KH3 leaks were making him reconsider doing simultaneous worldwide releases in future? I feel like he did, because I remember thinking that his logic made absolutely no sense.
  4. WaltK

    When are we expecting news?

    That's why I keep myself entertained by fan stuff, like Everglow's awesome KH Timeline series.
  5. WaltK

    KH references and cameos in other media?

    I want that shirt!
  6. WaltK

    When are we expecting news?

  7. WaltK

    Politics Welp, America’s screwed

    https://uk.news.yahoo.com/trump-end-diversity-programs-define-171334832.html It starts.
  8. WaltK

    Pokemon | Scarlet & Violet (2022) + Legends Arceus is king

    Doesn't look like the TCG is usually discussed here, but I want to know why the hell there's suddenly such huge demand for the latest set?
  9. WaltK

    Nintendo Switch 2

    I'm surprised Nintendo's latest system is an actual, honest-to-God expansion of their previous one rather than something completely different with a whole new gimmick.
  10. WaltK

    Nintendo Switch 2

  11. WaltK

    Nintendo Switch 2

    I hope, with the backwards compatibility, they're doing what PlayStation is doing where they still release games for both versions where the Switch 1 version has a "Switch 2 upgrade" or whatever.
  12. WaltK

    The Ask-a-Mod Thread

    I too have just been through a short period where the site didn't load where it didn't fix itself.
  13. WaltK

    KH Shower Thoughts

    Why does Sora's thumbnail look so painful? That is not a healthy colour, dude.
  14. WaltK

    If there WERE a KH3 Final Mix

    You sure about that?
  15. WaltK

    The Ask-a-Mod Thread

    I've been getting that too, but not as frequently as you guys seem to be, and it remedies itself pretty quickly.
  16. WaltK

    The Unpopular Opinions Thread

    I'd always envisioned a UX remake as having the same cutesy art-style, but in 3D. Think along the lines of how that abridged mobile version of FFXV looked
  17. WaltK

    General Kingdom Hearts Manga Discussion

    Final chapter's on the website. It adapts the main ending, Sora's portion of the secret ending, and the Luxu and apprentices portion of the post credits scene. I like the way Sora vanishing on Destiny Island leads directly into him waking up in Quadratum. The part of the ending with the...
  18. WaltK

    The Official Voice Actor Discussion Thread

    I didn't know Billy Zane was in Back to the Future. Are there any other Xehanorts in that movie I should know about??
  19. WaltK

    The Official Voice Actor Discussion Thread

    Shadow the Hedgehog now shares a voice with Sephiroth. That is all.
  20. WaltK

    Explain a Disney song badly

    Hint: the singer died this year.