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Search results

  1. T

    What was the worst thing that happen to you in KH2

    Not to insult any hardcore Disney/Lion King fans, but i just hated the whole Pride Land world. 1. Not being able to use your drive form sucks. 2. Having to play as a lion sucks. 3. Getting owned by those bull-like heartless in that world sucks. Sorry to be hating, but I had to say it.
  2. T

    HElp WITH ANSEM!!!

    Dude, this is all you need to do. 1. Level Riku up more and just concentrate on increasing DP. 2. When you're fighting Ansem, get into Dark Mode ASAP. 3. When you're in Dark Mode, just attack with Riku's combos, and DON' T USE ANY SLEIGHTS, except for one's using pure Mickey cards. You should...
  3. T

    Sanctuary Piano Sheet Music?

    Does someone out there know how to get your hands on some sheet music for Sanctuary, or does someone have it? Please tell me, because I really want to be able to play the song on my piano.
  4. T

    About the blonde-haired soldier in the secret trailer...

    As some people have been saying, the blonde-haired kid looks a lot like Roxas. But if this is true, why doesn't Roxas have his Oblivion and Oathkeeper keyblades with him?:confused: Could this be what the first secret trailer meant by the "Lost Two"?:confused:
  5. T

    Limit Form

    Hey people, does anyone have any info on how the limit form is going to be obtained?
  6. T

    Radiant Garden/New Area Discovery *SPOILER*

    After watching the KH2: Final Mix+ trailer many times, I've discovered that, if you pause the trailer at around 5:50 to 5:51, you can see a part of Radiant Garden in the upper left corner!:thumbup: This means that the new path in Radiant Garden goes to the place where the Organization XII...
  7. T

    Heartless, Nobody, then...?

    Has anyone noticed that the types of enemies so far have dealed with having no heart or nobody? As seen in an Ansem Report, a person is made of the heart, body and soul. So, if there is a new type of enemy coming up in the KH series, it has to deal with not having a soul! Does anyone have an...