Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Re: KH3D Livestreams!
Im pretty sure some of them are getting saved in this game. As massive as KH3 should be i think it's TOO much to have to save T/A/V Roxas Xion and Namine AS WELL as defeat Xehanort and his army.
Pretty sure Roxas and Namine are getting saved in this game. And i mean Lea...
Re: KH3D Livestreams!
There's too much of that ending that makes no sense.
1st. Aqua is in the RoD Why is she "awaken" in the RoS?
2nd and the biggest thing is Vanitas isn't Sora's darkness. He's Ven's darkness thats already been extracted out. Sora and Ven don't share a heart like AX does...
I was thinking mickey. But yea either one of them could of been chosen over the charms. Makes you think that maybe Mickey/Erauqs aren't in the cgi opening(Wouldn't Surprise me)