• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. H

    Naminé Roxas Xemnas??

    Hi guys i just had some thoughts and was wondering if you could awsner them for me. lol So we all know that Namine and roxas and Xemnas are Special Nobodys but why is that?? ( if you have thoughts send them my way) i was just thinking as i started to re play kh 2 is Sora is still alive he is...
  2. H

    coded Episode 5 "Agrabah" [SPOILERS]

    Wow i have told all my friends KH CODED looks epic but they all give me crap since its a cellphone game and its not going to come out in the states but still on youtube you can watch all the cutscenes with english SUBs so i think its fun and heck its all we have thats after kh 2~~~~~~~~!!
  3. H

    Riku Kairi sora.. love friends

    SO i know this is kinda of random and everyone has their own thoughts but i just re played kh 1 re and re chain and finished 358/2 days is it just me or does anyone else think that riku could love Kairi more then a friend? i mean in Kh1 soras off doin his whole yay world im A.K.A. searching for...
  4. H

    Kingdom Key?

    Hi so i am sure everyone already knows and im gona get alot of crap from people but... the kingdom key. what kingdom is it from? i mean yeah i could be just a name but all the other keyblades that come from different wolrds seem to have a name partaning to their world. maybe im just a total n00b...