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Search results

  1. U

    Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts: Destati

    To quote myself: Tru dat, Xuan. Sora is, in his own way, strong, but I doubt he'd be able to take on someone like the KH2 FM+ Terra, Xemnas in his finale form, or Master Xehanort by himself. You have yourself a new (or old?) fan.
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    "14th Org member is definitely Naminé!"

    Is there anywhere I can view the video Anyway, its possible that it was Namine, considering that the time the video was based in was before Namine got absorbed into Kairi. But there are 2 points that counter this statement: 1) Namine would most likely be very reluctant to join Orginization XIII...
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    The Deaths of Organization XIII

    sora's young and stupid, plus he's too nice-gy, goody-2-shoes to think about people dying, that's why
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    An English version of Final Mix+?

    Nothing is certain yet, but there was a thread here about a week ago where someone bragged on about making Japan realise just how many people outside of Japan wnated the game, there was even a petition, which I signed, and by now they would have about 10 000 people signed it now, but that will...
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    EXP Zero

    I reckon the only reason there is the EXP Zero ability is cos the Winner's Proof Keyblade is already very long and it has an atk of 5 and mag of 7. Its powerful enough as it is without abilities, i reckon they made it exp zero is cos they cbf'd makign a new ability
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    How to get...?

    How to level up Summons the best way possible All of you guys who say you know the best way to level up Summons, you really don't, no offence. Read this and then practice it compared to all your other theories, I stand by it as the best way yet. Go to Olympus Coliseum, then enter the Titan Cup...
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    scratch remover

    I don't know how to remove scratches but your game may still be able to function with scratches Get a cloth (dry) and wipe in a space a finger wide from the inside to the outside of the disc, don't go in or around always rub from the centre out, cos' that's the right way to rub a cd
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    Doe anyone else notice....

    Oh well, at least if KH2 FM+ leaves Japan, we can play CoM in 3D and it'll hopefully be harder to get boxed in!
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    KH2 Animations

    Sora in Ven's Armour, fighting with the Kingdom Key and Ven's Keyblade Kairi in Aqua's Armour, fighting with the Oathkeeper and Aqua's Keyblade Riku in Terra's Armour, fighting with Way to the Dawn and Terra's Keyblade King Mickey in BBS clothes, fighting with the Inverse Kingdom Key and he...
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    Kinda dont understand yet (sorry)

    I reckon the reason why Org XIII didn't manage to notice Micky in their cloak is cos they are all retarded! And I can prove it! After all, why do they keep on fighting Sora even though he's gonna beat them every time, and he's responsible for the destruction of 2 thirds of the Org. So that is...
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    the crowns

    it's probably just a trophy. back at DI Sora: Hey, dig da Crown, Bitch? Kairi: Woah, Awesome. Wait, did you just call me a bitch?! Sora<Runs away, far away>
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    Jiminy's Journal

    Here's how you do it: Requirements: Sora: Keyblade: Mishing Lamp (Jackpot) Abilities: Jackpot Summon Boost Combination Boost Donald and Goofy: give am both jackpot ability Summons: Stitch (also have summons @ lvl 7 so they last...
  13. U

    Minus Combo???

    Negative Combo helps in only helps decently in several situations only, then again u can just equip it if u want. Uses: Explasion and Guard break in phil's pot training Bumble Buster, Cargo Climb and Garbage Sweep
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    bosses and you

    Man this a great thread <Cracks Up> Pull a Borat joke: "This is a very good thread......NOT! U seriously suck, at least make it clear what u mean, and if u mean how do you beat them: it's called button mashing. the only skills involved is the ability to press random buttons very fast. as...
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    Which one?

    Go Kairi, man. She gets her own keyblade And shes not the one who gets absorbed
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    Cavern of Remebrance

    I know there's the one in the wall at the construction site, but where is the fist one, how do u get into it in the first place? LoL there's the cavern of remembrance videos on you tube but i can only find parts 2,3 and 4, so i don't know
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    Can Sephiroth be more easy?

    Yeah, Nomura said he had weakened Sephiroth in KH2:FM+ Ireckon he meant that Seph is just as hard, with just as much health, but with what is available to you (Limit Form, Dodge Roll, 9 Drive Guages), it can be a lot easier to beat him
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    I just hope it could come it out in Australia, and i have the kh2 officila guide, so i hope some stuff is transferable, but then again if i can't find stuff cos the guide isn't compatable, ill just go on the net and look up stuff. some easier stuff: Each time you beat a orgg xiii data copy, u...
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    favorite world

    Man, Atlantica was the next best thing to pwnage in kh1, cos u get to fight underater, with a tail and on different depths. then the f'ed it up in kh2 with the whole singing thing, not to mention there are 5 levels of it. TWTNW pwned cos u can lvl up wisdom easy so u can use magic speed up...
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    1) There is definately more than one keybladem, because we know that there are the partial (non-keychain) keyblades (the knight's, riku's dark keyblade, which i call Heartbreaker) and there are 3 definite full (keychained) keyblades: Sora's, Way to the Dawn and Mickeys. Some possibilties for...