• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. C

    Mickey's "letter"

    So basically, everyones decided that its a letter :P sorry my friend lol
  2. C

    CrisisCore US Release Date Set!!!

    CrisisCore will be comming to the US on march 28, 2008 I'm so pumped now that i saw that, i was starting to lose hope on seeing it. Check it out: IGN: Final Fantasy VII Remake Chatter
  3. C

    Did I miss something?

    I don't know if I somehow missed this in one of the games, but what was with the dorr on Destiny Island? Did they mention anything about it, or is it being saved for one of the new games?
  4. C

    Dark Soldier Theory

    Their all good theories, anyway you turn it, its going to be an amazing game.
  5. C

    KH2 Cutscenes archive

    why am I a heartless? O.o
  6. C

    KH2 Cutscenes archive

    Way to go man, thats intense. How long did it take you to do all that?
  7. C

    Who will buy one?

    Waiting for CrisisCore is annoying as hell -.-'
  8. C

    Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Discussion

    Yeah theres crisis core trailers but their all in Japanise so you can't tell what their saying unless its got the translations on it. But yeah no release date yet for the US so get comfy waiting.
  9. C

    Who will buy one?

    I already have both, but if I didn't have a PSP i'd sure as hell be out buying one for BBS and especially for Crisis Core, it's going to be a sick game.