Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
hmm... i would never use it just to beat the game, but after beating standard 100% (dang, it was hard), i'd probably just mess around and have fun with it.
hmm, i wasnt' sure. When i go into synthesizing, i see "save the king" and "save the queen" as recipes, unlocked from a chest.... do you mean the recipe for them?
AHHH! i'm stuck too... I've tried leveling up Master form, but i still end up getting killed, and mickey's getting crushed- Xaldin has too long of a reach. What is the best way to guard his regular attacks?
hmm... i'm going to a wal-mart, and i'm hoping i'm going to be in the same situation- all my friends are into FPS, not RPGs, so i'm hoping i'm in the same position as Evil-Riku!
Well, I don't have it yet, sadly, i'm hoping to get it tomorrow, but when i have it, i'll probably play it a bunch, and i won't be on here as much. thing is, though, if i get stuck, this is the first place i'll go...
yeah, i didn't see it on MTV or Comedy Central, or disney. I must've just been really lucky. But, if you cant see it just go to Youtube. I still think it's better on TV, though
Yep, i expected them to make it taht much harder. I'm not sure if you can drive, either. People aren't srure if you fight with Donald and Goofy, or by yourself so you could potentially not even be able to drive- WOW that would be hard.
i'm really excited to fight sephy, i just know the first time i fight him, i'll get PWND. i just need to play him a bunch, and figure out his moves, then i have a good shot at beating him.
honestly, none of us should take anyone's word for it. Form your own opinions about it, and play it yourself. Don't just accept what someone else says, that's THEIR opinion, not yours.