Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Eh the best advice I can give you is they're just messing around. My friends do it to me all the time, generally out of nowhere. But if it gets worse ask them why. If they don't say they're just messing around drop em...bitches.
I had glasses for two years but I only wore them when I needed to. Then at the start of this school year I got contacts and I gotta say I recomend them. =x
I've never really had a problem with this. What I always do when walking with a girl down the hall I'll say something about a test I just had, something I did over the weekend or asking what they did. Also ask what they plan on doing over the weekend or even ask them about movies that are in the...
So here is one of my many ideas I've worked on for a book. I don't personally like it but many of my friends do so I've continued working on it. Please tell me what you think, I'm completely open to criticism.
Chapter 1
A small boy, around the age of nine sat in front of the television as he...
I've been wanting to start an RP recently. I have a few ideas but I wanted to know if anyone out there has some ideas of their own or want to help me. So PM me if you have any ideas or post em here!
I've been thinking about starting one for a while now but I can't think of a good storyline and I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in it. Anyone interested and want to help?