Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I never realized how much Neku looks like Sora without his headphones on, LOL!
EDIT: And holy crap, I didn't even realize that Shiki was in the first picture! Nice that we get glimpse of her entire face this time (sort of)!
They seem to be really hyping up TWEWY lately, huh? It doesn't sound like we'll hear anything about a new game at this preview event (not that that it doesn't still sound cool), but maybe something will surface at this year's TGS.
Man, they're really starting to ramp up the TWEWY merchandising, aren't they? Hopefully this means they're gearing up to announce something sequel related in the near future!
I hope the fact that Square-Enix is still creating TWEWY merchandise means that a sequel is at least being considered. With those cool pins being released a little while ago and now this tote bag, its good to see the game still being acknowledged by the game designers. It gives me hope that they...
So I'll be starting college this fall and was looking to go ahead and buy a laptop this summer, but I need some help getting started. I don't know too much about what brands, specs, etc. are good, so I was hoping you guys could help me out by recommending me some laptops to choose from...
Awesome! More Kingdom Hearts news (especially this close to the release date) is always good! ^_^
Anyone have any theories on what will be in the new Nomura interview?
So that means there will be no Kingdom Hearts: DDD in this month's issue, right? I though it was weird that we were so close to the 15th and there wasn't even a mention of leaked scans. Still, I can't wait for this special issue!
Man, these clearer scans just make the game look even better! It makes me even more anxious to get my hands on it! (I still need to get a 3DS, though... -_-')
Awesome! So I guess this is the start of the "new worlds/game elements being revealed in Famitsu every month leading up to game release" like we got with Birth by Sleep?
Wow, this is an amazing essay! You writing is excellent, keep up the good work!
Would you perhaps consider doing similar essays on other characters in Kingdom Hearts?
The new extras look cool, too bad I don't have the means to import the game. T-T
I'm bit disappointed we didn't see a clip of the new secret ending/scenario, though.