• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. T

    Release Date?!?

    Yeah,stop making threads,especially release date threads since these are against the rules.
  2. T


    Re: Kairi's Keyblade?(Spoilers) Yeah.Someone go get a mod to close this thread before it becomes flame central.
  3. T


    Re: Kairi's Keyblade?(Spoilers) Yeah,you are not allowed to have spoilers in your title.It's agaisnt the rules.
  4. T


    Re: Kairi's Keyblade? This belongs in the Spoiler Section.You are going to get flamed for this.Nobody here knows she gets a keyblade.-_-
  5. T

    Sora's masculinity

    Yeah,please close this thread!
  6. T

    More Heartless/nobody Pictures

    Great find Xaldin!This is awsome!^_^Oh and a Happy New Year to Everybody!
  7. T

    Sora's masculinity

    Yeah it is weird how people are freaking out over this pic now and not when it released.-_-; Yeah,it still confuses me why did the have to dance as a co-op move...Oh well,we'll find out soon enough.
  8. T

    Some New Information (Spoilers)

    Yeah,this is great info.This makes perfect sense.Can you translate some more info?
  9. T

    KHII Japanese Manual Scans

    Yeah,Xaldin is the god of getting info.Another great find by him.
  10. T

    Reverse Rebirth 2?

    This does sound cool,but I would like to see a link to where you got this information,just to be sure.
  11. T

    Better Quality Warscene Battle Gameplay

    Wow,that was cool even if it was repetitive though.Thanks.