Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
1)Ok soras symbol/necklace is the crown.
Rikus is the heartless symbol, which appeareas on his chest when he was in dark form.
Roxas has an X looking medallion thingy hanging on his chest...... Obviously not the nobody symbol. and does this have a link to the corssroads that u see those...
alright so i know riku got his body back, and even at one point king mickey told him he doesnt belong to the darkness anymore. Do u think that means Xehanort is finally gone or do u think he still has some hold on riku or something. do u think riku will retransform into xehanort again? these are...
ok when xenharot/riku meets up with kairi, where the hell did he just bust out that crazy looking keyblade with the flowers and give it to her. i mean can the chosen ones just keep poppin out keyblades or somethin. and if she is destined to weild one, shouldn't it have just appeared like soras...
I would strongly recomend going back to other worlds and leveling up first cause that usually help, also u might try rearranging ure cards so that u have all the potion and reviving cards in the front so they are easier to find, after those put ure zero cards, then try putting in the cards u...
RADIANT GARDENS ALL THE WAY, come on people, cloud, sephiroth, leon, TRON, man the music the design, i loved everything about that place. also in kh1 i loved hollow bastion and it is a place of a lot of memories thats why its the shit!!!
Demyx was alright and i agree with the people who said he was hard, im playing on proud mode and when u fight him the second time, the time limit does not help at all. still i belive xaldin was the hardest.
I say screw what ign thinks, like u read before, the guy who rated it is a rookie, he doesnt know how the gaming world works, and he simply just sucks big juevos.
I AM PISSED, this game sounds sooooooooooooooo kool, and i was shaking in my desk all day to get it, then i go to eb games and they tell me, sorry have to wait till tomorrow. &^(*$&^(*#$& I cant wait that long!!!!