• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. X

    There are too many final bosses...

    It's like. "Holy crap, its the final boss this is gonna be soo hard..." ~Ten minutes later~ "OK! I got him! Now for the ending scene... hang on what? Didn't I allready kill him? Oh god, it's darkside again..." ~Fifteen minutes later~ "Right, it makes sense for darkside to be the last person to...
  2. X

    I Cant Defeat Malificent Dragon!

    I still can't beat her so I'm gonna go and level up some more. EDIT: Wheres the best place to level up btw? Off topic: Will the second Riku encounter be harder than Melificent Dragon? EDIT: DAMN IT! She had like, 2 hp left and I died. T.T
  3. X

    I Cant Defeat Malificent Dragon!

    There is a nice spot on the Dragons back where she cannot hit you with anything but her homing fire. Similar to the thorns. When the battle begins glide round and jump on her hind legs then climb up onto her back and position yourself between her wings. Make sure to have tons of ethers because...
  4. X

    Shadow Sora smells like poo.

    And is very hard to beat. T.T
  5. X

    Playing the series backwards...

    I bought KH CoM on a whim, thats what got me into KH. As I was playing CoM I learned of the other KH games so I bought the first one, got stuck on it and (being the impatient person I am) put it away for a while. Then a week later I saw KH2, bought it, played it, completed it. Then, noticing the...
  6. X

    Is it just me or is KH1 a kagillion times harder than KH2?

    I enjoy video games, but I've never been very good at them. Despite the fact that I spend most of my life playing them. Its just not fair. :cry: To the point, is KH1 uber hard or is it just because I suck?
  7. X

    OMG Arghhh!

    Argggggggh!!!! Xigbar! Die allready!!! I've watched the 100% completion video 5 times over but every time I try it ends the same. I'm about to kill him (He has hardly any life left) I'm all exited. "Yes!!! I've finaly got him." And then he uses his powerfull attack which you need to run in...
  8. X

    KH2 Final Mix discussion

    So.. Final Mix is like a collectors edition version of KH2 with lots of special features? [/n00bish question]