• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. S

    Passion in english...

    oh alright, i had just got it on yousendit but you beat me to it ^_^
  2. S

    Passion in english...

    Re: Passion Song in English!!? if any1 wants to explain to me a way to get it online, ill giv it a try, but if anyone else finds it and sucessfully downloads it... let me know!
  3. S

    Passion in english...

    Re: Passion Song in English!!? no i dont think its Sakura Drops because ive heard that one before and its different.... i would upload it to filefront if i knew how Shadow Moonfire
  4. S

    Passion in english...

    Re: Passion Song in English!!? well, i would put it online if i had a way too... lol, anyway if others find it tell me what ya think! ^_^ i didnt think it was all that bad, actually pretty good, but it jus didnt sound simalar to the Japanese version...
  5. S

    Passion in english...

    Passion Song in English!!? Im sorry, i know this probably should be on the Passion thread but i thought this might be a bit important ^^;; i found a download to the song in english but im not quite sure if its it or not, because it doesnt exactly sound...