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increadeble that was the best theory ive heard in a while, i think u might be onto sumthing, and that when they're under the water soras trying to get to riku but the water pushes him away,
i only hope so but i didnt know that that was the girl that played kairi, she also played in the crppay intern show ally mcbeel, she played her daughter, but i hope the pick sum good voice actors for kairi and BHK
i can help u out with any problems about kh cuz ive beaten it so many times the info has been beaten into my head so plz ask away i dont mind answering any questions about kh (within reason ive gotten sum dumb people ask me sum weird questions like soras shoe size) only game related topics here plz
well when the battle starts off go to the opposite side of the clock tower and lock on to the clock tower and cast stop on it then, u can lock on to the phantom aswell and then shift with R2 L2 button to shift to the clock tower thats how u do it, i like to keep the stop spell goin every like 4...
this one is a fun ight , one of my favorites. just stay close to him he usually makes a huge dash for u if ur far away it means that he has a higher chance of missing
well for me i just cast aero when i get into battle make sure that i have elixers and try not to get hit when he loses the balls in his hands (hehe) and summon bambi
Re: Omg Plz Help
ok for mythril the best bet is behemoth, but for the bright crystals u want to kill the defenders a bunch show up in the 3rd district in taverse town, wizards give u shiny remeber the diff and mystery goos r from the mushrooms
well i think that the second lexuaos or wat ever his name is the ice dude i dont remeber his name i stopped playin after a while, he was the hardest for me it took me to long longer then all the other bosses i nvr died against them though
it didnt take a year and the gap between kh and kh2 since u look at the picture differences,
age i mean sora looks no longer 14 but 18 so the time it took for him to regain all his memories so there and besides they still leave a gap so just make it for after riku and the king leave since it...
u should all pay attention who your talkin to (even though it doesnt show iif your a boy/girl
well maybe sum people didnt know at least she posted it because there might be people that didnt know and want to try it out i mean i just found this out and im grateful, i now have 5 #9 ultima...
well there is the fact that u dont just get pooh to jump on four in a row, but it has to be the same order tiger is doin it, so if hes goin clockwise then you have to go clockwise i cant remeber which way hes goin so thats all i can say