Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Alrighty, time to get all my thoughts out. Time for the deep analysis!
General thoughts:
Thoughts about the world:
Also Spockanort is right about the blue/orange thing with noctis and stella. I love seeing the salt! I wonder how long he's been planning this?
I am very satisfied with this ending. Though it left me with a couple questions that the epilogue, secret ending, or possible future game could answer, this felt really complete. I'm at a lost for words because it was so much to take it. I think I will have to write something longer later once I...
I don't know guys. I'm kind of heartbroken at the moment. Not sure what to think of this all. My only hope is that the foretellers are gonna come back and save Sora's ass which would be really cool!
Awe. This is making me cry. It's so beautiful to see how much everyone loves this game. It is the most heartwarming feeling in the world. Seeing the teams reactions was also very moving too. I wish I could have been there. It must have been an amazing experience. This is possibly the most...
Cool! Its really nice to seethis orchestra come such a long way. I'm so happy for Shota and Falk to actually be able to record for the game. The game is going to sound great!
I actually really like Ice Cream Beat. It was really fun and I always got the high score.
Also I loved rumble racing, especially that extra race that was added to the NA version.