Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Hmm..Well it shouldn't ...People shouldn't do that it'd freedom of speech and opinion..I don't think it's fair when some one thinks something else then you doesn't mean you block out their opinion.
Yea I am on level 20 right now..Thanks for the info Sephy99.
Okay just to let you guys no I'm doing it on Kingdom Hearts ll not the Kingdom Hearts ll Final Mix+..It was a mistake to put it in KH2FM, sorry..I will be doing this on Proud Mode
I don't think Online Petitions will work but a real one might be considered..I don't care what you people think about it..Opinions are worthless when it comes to judging on whether it comes or not..I mean I understand you hoping but when it's a YES or NO..You really don't know..I want that game...
I don't want to take my time and Level up during the game..Yes I will tell you Roxas's abilities..Thanks guys I'll try..I'm kinda patience, the first time I leveled up there I got bored..But now when I play it's not much of a bug for me^^
Yea, I know there is already a Thread on this but I felt like doing this too..I'm going to level up Roxas to 99 at Station Calling..I'll probably Post something everyday or Two days..It just depends..It'll take me awhile..Do you think I can do it?
Yea I agree with a lot of what you guys just said..I think the 1000 Heartless Battle should have been like all Nobodies like you see in the World That Never Was..You would get a lot more leveling on that..Plus the levels with the Drive Forms.
I know same I didn't use most of the keyblades..I only used OathKeeper, Oblivion, and Ultima Weapon..I had to use Kingdom Key so yea.
StaulMaster, I liked the game it's ust some little things should have been improved.
Yea I want more to fight too..I liked Kingdom Hearts ll a lot better then Kingdom Hearts l..But the storyline was good^^
Roxasfire, yea I know it sucks too.
This is a Thread for discussion Kingdom Hearts ll..Do you think anything could have been better? Any favorite Quotes or Drive Forms? Your favorite Kingdom Hearts game charaters ect..:thumbsup: