Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I Saw Nintendo E3 2011 Press Conference Just Now live on G4 and there were no Kh3d just some new games and New Remote Control for wii named Wii(U):frown::frown::frown:
Tired of being left in the dark about Kingdom Hearts’ 3DS debut? Tetsuya Nomura is here to light the way.
If you’re a fan of Square Enix’s titles, you’ve no doubt got your calendar dated for the company’s upcoming conference on January 18th. Always coy in their information on...
Hey guys...
I was thinking about...
a Game for Kingdom hearts series..
it will be named Kingdom Hearts Collections..
it will contain...Kh1...Kh2...Kh re:CoM...Kh 358/2(if Possible)...Kh BBS(if Possible)
It well Be in HD..
And like sora said:So How about it? can we handle a last...
<P>Well il Chose Ven cus His the Fastest and The Youngest but that dont mean That i dont Terra and Aqua i like them...
Well just like Ven said:My Friends are My and Im Thiers!!! ;D
Well i Chose Ventus cus hes the fastest and the youngest but Not tha i dont like Terra and Aqua i really do like them...
Well just like Ven said: My Friends Are my Power and Im theirs !!! ;D