Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
If it becomes a serious matter, tell someone in authority (Not the Cops. FCK them). Tell one of the teachers at school. If that doesnt work, offend her and crush her heart by saying shit 'bout her. Yes, its a bit rough but it might just work...
No, I dont get teased...Not to my face anyway and I dont think anyone would ever want to do that...lol
My school is very multi-cultural so the majority of the people who are have an asian background like Anime and KH etc.
Thats how its in my school anyway.
Re: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Discussion
Im looking forward to playing teh game becuase of the story line...You get to find out more about the XIII order which is good...Im glad they are not left out
The Organisation used Sora as a puppet so he can do all their bidding...They unleased countless creatures that Sora could kill and yet in the end, they would of disposed of Sora...Sora had to destroy the Organisation.
Well, atleast your theory differs alot from other peoples theory...I dont think so that Xehanort would be a rank...Its just doesnt fit IMO. Xehanort is one of Ansem's disciples name and i doubt that Xehanort was a Commander or Major in the army.
Sorry to hear that...
Well atleast you dont have her. I would have rather got rid off someone who was probably going to get tempted and go with another boy than to go out with that person who could have ditched me...
This thread is ridiculous...just goes to show you how easily people get frustated and angry at a bunch of people posting about the release of FM out of Japan...Especially people who have just joined the forums and have had barely a week here..
But yeah, youve got a point...I agree with...
I think he is jealous of you...
I know how you feel...I have had some of my mates do that to me when ive outshoned them at sporst or at academics...
Its really annoying and you wish it could stop...Well, the best way to go about it is to ignore them big time...like just pretending they dont...
Well, i got to a private school which is one the top sporting and academic schools in NSW...do your work in periods of time...like i mean, on weekdays you might do 4 hours while on wekends you do 2 hours