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Search results

  1. C

    What You Like/Dislike about Days and why:

    Likes: Organization-centric game. Most of the dialogue. The cutscenes/FMVs. Dislikes: The panel system. Some missions were repetitive. Some boss fights were too easy, some were frustrating. Xion + when the story focused almost entirely on her. Roxas pining for Xion. The countless sea salt ice...
  2. C

    KH novel(s): Linnen translations, Demyx?

    Ooh, that's cool =D and thanks, again!
  3. C

    KH novel(s): Linnen translations, Demyx?

    No, I don't know which book it'd be from! I rediscovered the thread where I found another link to the same deleted journal; there was no mention of which book it's from or which part. On one page, the OP commented that the Demyx + Xigbar scene was, basically, a particularly notable 'friendship'...
  4. C

    KH novel(s): Linnen translations, Demyx?

    Thanks for the links! =D But unfortunately, as you guessed, the scene(s) I was searching for, weren't there. It'd help if I had more information about the scene(s), in the first place D: such as what the scenes were ABOUT, other than that Demyx, Axel, Namine, and Demyx + Xigbar were the main...
  5. C

    KH novel(s): Linnen translations, Demyx?

    I've been searching for some time with not much luck, for the English translations of the KH novels, specifically scenes involving Demyx; the LJ user Linnen apparently had a few translations up, but their journal has been deleted and purged: the link was...