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Search results

  1. M

    Where to order KH figures/toys?

    Didn't know exactly where to put this so I'm just guessing, feel free to move it where it needs to be if I put the thread in the wrong forum. Do you guys know or have experience on where to order KH or even FF figures/ toys? I'm a huge fan and I have alot of the PLay Arts, Formation Arts, and...
  2. M

    NA release date?

    Kinda like they did for the release of FFVII on the PSN....interesting, but I would prefer a January 18th release date lol
  3. M

    the hardest mission

    Yeah did everyone else hate flying and the controls on the DS? Every mission I had to fly I got super bummed and frustrated. It was like the Tarzan/Little Mermaid levels on the consoles. Hated em.
  4. M

    Future KH figures/statues/merchandise

    I wasn't sure where to put this but wanted to ask none the same, and if it needs to be moved then its ok. As a huge KH/FF fan as well as a nerd who collects figures and other KH goods, I was curious what other KH fans who might also collect such things would really want. For me I was really...
  5. M

    NA release date?

    Never have truer words been spoken. Now that Squeenix seems to be more dedicated to getting it to NA quicker than they used to we should get BbS sooner than before. I never thought we would get FFXIII only 3 months after Japan. But BbS should be soon because of the popularity of KH in NA.
  6. M

    the hardest mission

    Oh and you get Sora by getting 100% on all the missions. (Filling the bar completely, not just to get the RTC)
  7. M

    the hardest mission

    Yep, I agree. That Dustflier was hard.
  8. M

    Official soundtrack listings?

    I was looking for this too. Is the soundtrack even available? I have the KH Complete set but I cant seem to find one for 358.
  9. M

    Favorite mission mode character?

    Dual Wielding Roxas. Also The King cuz he is just awesome.