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Search results

  1. Enri

    rihanna loud k

    SO THIS IS THE LAST TAG I HAVE MADE. So I thought I'd post this as a sort of come back because I am bored and this is fun at the moment to yes. I am a texture kind of man.
  2. Enri


    It was hard to color, very hard. I'm not really done it, since I actually saved the psd, but I just wanted some input when I put the final touches.
  3. Enri

    ohei, versus

    C4D render tag. Just a quick thang.
  4. Enri

    Help/Support ► School hurts

    I hope you aren't that annoying kid in class who tries too hard to be cool.
  5. Enri

    Old Show

    Well, I do enjoy photography and what not. Just wanted to show another form of artwork that I enjoy besides signatures and such. All old stuff from my DA that I don't attend to very much anymore. I just stopped Photog until I get a reeeeal camera which will most likely have to wait till my big...
  6. Enri

    So um

    I just feel like making a thread as I wait for Photoshop to take it's sweet time loading. Anything piss you off while you're doing something in Photoshop? Like for me it'd be when I accidentally click Bridge and my whole Photoshop gets retarded and lags and I have to wait for Bridge to load...
  7. Enri


    Was trying out a few things. I usually don't like to clip mask but I found nice edgy brushes that made me not hate it so much. Not my usual style. I've felt better at the end of finishing a tag.
  8. Enri


    Well I just fully devoted myself to learning to coloring lineart and manga scans. This is my first lonely try, and I tried to incorporate things I picked up from looking at a tutorial and looking at other colorings as well. I want to try and develop my own simple/clean yet detailed style. As I...
  9. Enri

    WTF moments in Kingdom Hearts....2!

    The Roxas job part. It took me for freakin' ever to get all that money, and Riku steals it.
  10. Enri

    Help/Support ► Question To Girls on the Site

    I agree. Just forget it.
  11. Enri


  12. Enri


    Lie: I love Halo When it comes to 360 I am a proud Lost Planet fan! Plus also a Ghost Buster. Two tags - two versions Just text difference. I don't like this one as much. I usually never like my attempt at smudge sigs because I always feel it is messy. I don't know how to make a nice...
  13. Enri

    To that one guy

    Not sure if he ever got the KH stocks, or someone linked him to good stuff. But also to anyone who hasn't come across a thing like this. >-> CLICK: Login to a private Photobucket.com album password is miko01 if it asks, bucket made by a friend.
  14. Enri

    Freaking, hello.
