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  1. K

    BBS footage

    I found some more footage. <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" id="gtembed" width="480" height="392"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> <param...
  2. K

    Everything We Know About Birth By Sleep So Far

    Ah, I hadn't realized that your work had gone so far as having been incorporated into the main site. Good job on that. Personally though, I'm glad this didn't turn into something nasty. (As in thank goodness you're not a spiteful or catty person).
  3. K

    Everything We Know About Birth By Sleep So Far

    It seems we both were overzealous to spread to news on these games. Again, RK, forgive me for not thinking quite clearly; I was caught up in the excitment of spreading the good news. I did say that you wrote them though, and I never presumed to take credit for them (my one saving grace in this...
  4. K

    Everything We Know About Birth By Sleep So Far

    I'm afraid I posted these on the gametrailers.com forums Without your permission RK. I assumed you would be pleased to be honest, considering it was giving you much more widespread attention for your 'work' then you would get otherwise. Next time I'll ask... I'll take them down, don't worry...
  5. K

    Xion's real name without the 'X'

    Xehanort changed his name to Ansem before he split in two -_-. Besides how do you make an anagram of an anagram? (Another, No Heart, etc.)
  6. K

    Everything We Know About XIV/Xion So Far

    Heck, I can't even give you any before I give some to somebody else lol.
  7. K

    Everything We Know About XIV/Xion So Far

    I would rep you for this, and the other "What we know" threads... but you have so many already :p lol. I'm going to bed... goodnight.
  8. K

    Everything We Know About XIV/Xion So Far

    Well, I happen to know a thing or two about Hawaii... and I can tell you he's probably at least a third Chinese or Japanese. There's essentially no such thing as a Hawaiian anymore. The blood is so diluted that the only requirement to get into the Hawaiian-only school is 0.1 percent Hawaiian...
  9. K

    Everything We Know About XIV/Xion So Far

    Is it just me or does he look like he's floating when he does that one longer jump? Anywho, he looks like an Asian Orlando Bloom, to me. No clue though... I always felt that girls should dig guys sort of like Viggo Mortensen and less like Orlando "Wimpy" Bloom.. but *meh*.
  10. K

    Everything We Know About XIV/Xion So Far

    Ah, but did he say "fourteenth member", or "number 14"? I would be uncomfortable with the idea of her being before Xemnas, however.
  11. K

    Xion's real name without the 'X'

    I'm glad to see that you agreed with my theory then.
  12. K

    Everything We Know About XIV/Xion So Far

    Yep. I must admit, though, that it would break the mold to have a character named after a person.... instead of the element itself.
  13. K

    Everything We Know About XIV/Xion So Far

    Thanks :thumbsup:. Though, the Greek Ino is much better than the Japanese meaning of Ino. (pig, or boar... something like that)
  14. K

    Everything We Know About XIV/Xion So Far

    Well, Terra, Aqua, and Ven (tus?) are Latin... Not Greek, but it was born not far away.
  15. K

    Everything We Know About XIV/Xion So Far

    About her name.... I found something interesting on a certain Ino. A Greek woman who was turned into a goddess of the sea. Aqua-Kairi-Namine (Ocean wave or something like that in Japanese) - Ino But why would Nomura suddenly use a Greek name? Interesting, no?
  16. K

    Everything We Know About XIV/Xion So Far

    I assumed it was pronounced 'Zion'.
  17. K

    Everything We Know About XIV/Xion So Far

    The one time I participate in the XIV thread it gets closed lol. Every time I come back here there is something new from you RK. Keep up the good work.
  18. K

    Random Ven thought

    Quick question: Where are memories stored in Kingdom Hearts lore? :confused:
  19. K

    Random Ven thought

    Like I said "quite like that"... I was referring to the thought of him losing the ability, not having it taken away from him. I said it that way intentionally, with that scene in mind :bored:.