Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Since its the Final Mix version, there's a chance we get to see the original scenes that were edited in the overseas version of BBS like Aqua and the mirror in Dwarf Woodlands.
Hey, if I couldnt beat beat the game after 8 years, I would have watched the ending on youtube. If I didnt, i probably would have been stuck on KH1 and not have played any other KH game. lol
"50% of people who played Re:CoM haven't even completed the first level (Traverse Town as Sora)"
This is me. lol I just couldnt get through the game. I tried COM years ago, and I couldnt get pass the 1st level. I tried to conquer my demons in 1.5, but COM stopped me.
"Far worse was the...
I would have sold my soul to COM if it had included KH1's gameplay. Keep everything about the cards, just give us an option to switch to KH1's controls. lol
I saw the commercial on tv. It caught my attention. I had to try it out. I found the gameplay fun, and the story was good as well. That was how I fel in love with KH. Disney and FF sells.