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Search results

  1. Professor Ven

    Help/Support ► Want tech help? Here's some information to provide us, so we don't have to ask.

    Chrome is the best as long as its up to date (fueled by thousands of sleepless programmers at Google HQ) the Adblocker and other addons for it aren't difficult to install either, CCleaner isn't needed unless you really like pears or a simple all-in-one solution, there's the drive...
  2. Professor Ven

    Help/Support ► Want tech help? Here's some information to provide us, so we don't have to ask.

    pcpartpicker shows no issues with compatibility, but had to assume what your mobo and CPU were because no specifics. Depending on what you're wanting to do with your computer, I'd suggest getting an intel CPU if you're wanting to upgrade (i7's are getting cheaper, Black Friday is coming) because...
  3. Professor Ven

    Help/Support ► Want tech help? Here's some information to provide us, so we don't have to ask.

    U-Verse currently has a monthly 250GB data cap limit, you can check with the customer representative at the store who's peddling you U-Verse, or the technician they send out to your residence, as to whether AT&T is enforcing it (seeing multiple articles within the past 8 or so months in conflict...
  4. Professor Ven

    Help/Support ► Want tech help? Here's some information to provide us, so we don't have to ask.

    Unless you live in the sticks, it should be loads better than dishnet. Had U-verse for a couple of years, the only time the internet ever went out was when a landscaper cut the line outside with his weed-eater on accident (the line wasn't buried). AFAIK it's similar to Comcast's Fiber Optic...
  5. Professor Ven


    Ashes fade, but only embers remain . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RAlGv-IW4g This is going to be arguably the top RPG of 2016, and one fun ride if you can dig it. Dark Souls III seems a fine-tuned blend, both stylistically and mechanically, of all the previous Souls games (Demons...
  6. Professor Ven

    Help/Support ► Want tech help? Here's some information to provide us, so we don't have to ask.

    According to the user manual found here, it supports Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista,and Windows 7 operating systems; I'm assuming it will have zero problem being used with Windows 10, my external drive that dates to Windows 7 had zero issues - most of this stuff operates on Plug-and-Play...
  7. Professor Ven

    Help/Support ► Want tech help? Here's some information to provide us, so we don't have to ask.

    Laptop or Desktop? It could be hardware malfunction, unsure because no real specific information.
  8. Professor Ven

    Help/Support ► Want tech help? Here's some information to provide us, so we don't have to ask.

    What Program or Internet Browser are you using for this to appear?
  9. Professor Ven

    Help/Support ► I need suggestions

    What model motorcycle are you wanting? Be aware some/most states in the US may have a separate motorcycle license that you'll have to test for. To afford that, insurance and all, and live on a more or less independent basis, I'd assume a job that pays around 65K or so a year (because at some...
  10. Professor Ven

    Help/Support ► Which Company Is The Best To Buy From?

    Seconding Sabrina on Amazon. Two day free shipping is worth having (along with all the other things that come with Amazon Prime), and Amazon will usually have good deals on books; I'm not sure on manga, but I'd expect the same sort of discount.
  11. Professor Ven

    Help/Support ► Want tech help? Here's some information to provide us, so we don't have to ask.

    Target (and other retail stores most likely) have this awesome piece of interweb alchemic sorcery in their stock. I say Target only because that's where I bought the noted item from (as I was having a dead spot in my room which affected my gloriously degenerate online gammin) and it was less...
  12. Professor Ven

    One tiny little thing missing from the Beauty and the Beast World in the entire series should be in

    Highly doubt it will be in KH III; if it wasn't shown in KH II, there's a incredibly slim chance of it happening in III. Pretty sure Beast's Castle is done. III will more than likely focus much more on the original KH storyline as a whole, since Nomura has to wrap it the Xehanort Saga.
  13. Professor Ven

    One tiny little thing missing from the Beauty and the Beast World in the entire series should be in

    If Gaston had been in the B&B World, then there would have been no point to Xaldin being there.
  14. Professor Ven

    The Slothman Cometh

    Behold, for it's mah birthday o3o Time to fill up the forum with sloths galore, and bless you all with their gloriousness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ssa7LMeC_Bw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26gPPAwFNzo
  15. Professor Ven

    Character ► [ACCEPTED] Profy's Toybox

    "Faith, trust, and pixie dust!"
  16. Professor Ven

    Happy Slotheaster.

    Happy Slotheaster kids. Accepted usually as the rising of the Slothchristian religion's Jesus Slothchrist from the dead (or hungover after getting hammered) Slotheaster's roots are pagan in nature, yada yada, going back to northern Anglo-Slothxon goddess Slotheostre. Regardless of how you...
  17. Professor Ven


    Been sobbing looking for decent MMOs. This one peaked my interest, as it (as far as the developers show) is more like pre-CU Star Wars Galaxies. Aka, no WoW-esque grinding or questing; you're not required to go into combat for quests; etc. They're going into Beta hopefully sometime in March...
  18. Professor Ven

    Help/Support ► Should I come back?

    Why are you even worried like I understand your concern but that shouldn't keep you from enjoying yourself diddly them