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Search results

  1. Mushu

    It's 2 o clock in the morning

    Many are still on. WHHHHHHHY? jus wondering :3
  2. Mushu

    Why 358/2 Days is a Poor Narrative Experience.

    That's what I'm saying. Xion being in the story didn't make much of a difference since everyone forgot her anyways, even though she is "there" inside Sora.
  3. Mushu

    Apprentice Xehanort's Eyes

    He's obviously wearing contacts. Just to hide his actual beautiful eyes <3
  4. Mushu

    Why 358/2 Days is a Poor Narrative Experience.

    Also, in later games, there aren't many references towards Xion. Unlike many of the KH games, where characters make references to other characters back in different games, Xion isn't exactly stated.
  5. Mushu

    Fanfiction ► Namine x Vanitas: Fighting Course

    Chapter Two (I apologize for the double post) Vanitas decided to drive him and Namine to the beach, where they'd meet up with Kairi and the rest. "It'd be a complete waste of time to just come back here, drop you off, all that shit. Besides," he had explained to the red-head, squeezing Namine...
  6. Mushu

    Fanfiction ► Namine x Vanitas: Fighting Course

    Yeah, he is quite shameless X) But I love Vanitas...very much. Uh-uh! No helping her out nao ;)
  7. Mushu

    Fanfiction ► Namine x Vanitas: Fighting Course

    Chapter Two __ Namine never exactly trusted Kairi with driving, even though she had her license for over three years now, the girl drove like a little kid on the driving games in an arcade. She was crazy on the road, swerving, taking long glances off the freeway. Luckily, Namine only...
  8. Mushu

    Fanfiction ► Namine x Vanitas: Fighting Course

    I'm slightly rusty on my stories, since I've never posted on here. So... :p -_-
  9. Mushu

    Alice: Madness Returns

    So far, I've checked for any tags regarding this and haven't seen any. Anyways, WHO LIKES THE GAME? I love it, yet I haven't played it. Well, I played some of the prequel: American McGee's Alice (crappy graphics, awesome story line) and well...the game's pretty amazing. So, questions...
  10. Mushu

    Fanfiction ► Namine x Vanitas: Fighting Course

    First fanfic on here. __ Chapter One Cold. Numb. Deprived. All this into one, solid, black line on the paper. Scratch, scratch. Her black charcoal, tracing his face into white abyss, filling the spots she knew so well. His eyes...she was scared to finish them. Her golden locks were pinned...