Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
to each his or her own I guess, I personally do not like assuming anything because I feel it's built up false hope
well that's just my opinion anyway ;P
Re: Official Re:CoM in North America Thread
I totally forgot about the controls too!
Oh, well you have to learn how to manage controls with every new game you receive.
Haley Joel Osmet doing a younger Sora's voice? That isn't going to work at all
unless they use a voice synthesizer to make him sound younger.
Puberty hit him pretty damn hard and his deep voice proves it
Re: Official Re:CoM in North America Thread
that's it? I though Sora would at least say something else besides that. Oh well, it is a kids game after all
everytime I fought Xaldin (in both modes), I always made it out alive with a modest amount of HP left over. Mickey never had to come to my rescue. But I still say he was the most difficult, only because It took time stragtegizing how to fight him w/o dying.