Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
He wanted to look for Kairi in KHII after she had been kidnapped, and his feelings about it were quiet strong. After he found her however, he didn't cry. He didn't cry when he found her in KHI either (as far as I know). He had cried when he found Riku in KHII; Riku is his best friend and he...
Only once in two files. I think once in my first file for some reason I can't remember. And again in my fourth file in Tron's world when fighting the first boss of that world. For some odd reason I never got it for all the times I used Wisdom Form in my 4th file (21 times in a row xD).
For Saix...
Hi there, I'm new. I'm 14, a girl, and I've played KHII way too many times. My brother, Heartless Ven joined as well, so you'll see him around here too. Also, I draw a lot.
We'll most likely get along fiiine.