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  1. siddharm

    [Spoilers] Jump Festa 2012 Coverage! (Trailer Downloads in First Post!)

    This thread gets like 5 updates every second -_-
  2. siddharm

    [Spoilers] Jump Festa 2012 Coverage! (Trailer Downloads in First Post!)

    Anybody notice that in the first "drop" sequence, sora has his original clothes and the drop sequences after that have his pimped out old skool dud's?
  3. siddharm

    [Spoilers] Jump Festa 2012 Coverage! (Trailer Downloads in First Post!)

    Re: [Spoilers] Jump Festa 2012 Coverage! Man the english version better come out during summer break so i can go on a 24 hour playing spree :D
  4. siddharm

    TGS Trailer officially released! (JP and Eng. Subbed trailers in first post)

    Re: TGS Trailer officially released! Wait so if sora is falling into another world, and that is in the "realm of sleep" then the game could be a inception kind of situation where you can go in and out of "sleep" at any time or if you complete a world. Just guessing.
  5. siddharm

    HQ Scans and Translations!

    I love how nobody has yet to mention that ven is still in the so called "realm of sleep" so sora might meet ven in the game. Correct me if i am wrong pleez :-D