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  • Hey, sorry I'm so late with my response. I read your response to my thread. You're very passionate about KH and that's the exact type of people I'm trying to connect with. I turned my passion into a project. I made a video essay that is over an hour long. It goes over what Xemnas's true goal was in KH2 as well as figuring out if Nobodies being able to grow hearts was a retcon. I completely feel you on the lack of weight death has in in the KH universe. However have you ever wondered if that is intentional. I have a theory that I will in another episode of Deep Dive that shows the true reason why there isn't any gravitas. In fact not so coincidentally gravity plays a big role in episode that is already out. There is a deep meaning behind the thumbnail image. Wings up top, and shackles on the bottom. The duality of nobodies. I believe if you watch this vid it will give you a new appreciation for the story. KH's story isn't perfect by any means, but some of the things that seem shallow may have a deep meaning once you look pass the surface level.
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