Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Yeah, I should probably change it now, I've just really stopped caring about avatars and sigs. We'll see.
By the way, I know I haven't been on MSN lately, I've been pretty busy. I'll probably be on tomorrow though 3-8 because I'm finally getting some downtime... before another hectic week.
Oh, and rogues. EVERYBODY hates rogues except for people who play rogues because rogues are complete dicks.
However as soon as somebody rolls a rogue and starts playing one, they quickly become the very dick that they hated other rogues for being. It's true, check out the forums.
Right now, besides my NE Hunter, I'm doing two Worgen and a Dwarf. The main Worgen I'm doing is my male Worgen Fury Spec Warrior, as well as a female Worgen Arcane Mage, and a Prot Spec Dwarf Pali. I'm gonna have me a tank because tanks are in short supply.
I actually made it perfect. The only Gnome character I have is a Rogue, and she's also my banker. Therefore I will never get her above level 2. My most hated class, Rogues, and my most hated Alliance race, Gnomes. Playing her as my banker confines her to Ironforge for all eternity.