That is one long message XD and yeah, I've been there a lot :< sometimes I left the text wall of messages there for a long time until the internet is cut off. Then when I want to send it again, it directs me to the error page and I have to type everything all over again D: too many times... because of this it's best to copy all your message first then paste it (ctrl+a --> ctrl+c --> ctrl+v) sorry that you have to write these all over again Yuki D:
Ok Yuki XD I'll stick to your shippings.
Here XD it gets funny at 2:00
Yeah XD he doesn't speak much in his Lets Plays. But this guy does
he is currently the no.1 most subscribed person in Youtube. With more than 24 million subscribers, I don't even... >u< His most funny videos are rage games (like this Howler), he often gives so many comments on the game. I don't know if you follow Youtube, so this will take a while... Here's some funny montages that he made from Happy Wheels 1, 2, and 3. He usually plays horror games and he made so many montages of him playing too. Sorry for so many videos, I'm like his biggest fan XD HAHAHHAHA because of him I no longer fear playing horror games. I actually played Amnesia (that Indie game) and made it halfway. While two years ago I can't even take a step forward in the game XD Lol he just makes it funny and that nullifies my fears of the game.
I just saw the trailer for The Fourth Kind. That's really interesting
based on true cases huh.... >u>
Hahahahah XD that is adorable. With the oldest or second oldest? Sometimes if I'm scared out of a scary movie, I just stayed in my bedroom, but unable to sleep ._. Your co workers sound cool Yuki XD do you just laughed out loud literally? XD I would be discouraged if I were to do that...
Thank you Yuki (>ouo)> but for now... well... let's just keep it at that...
Aw c'mon Yuki, you're not annoying. And even if you are, I'm sure there's someone that can withstand your negativity and accept you for who you are. I know it's just wishful thinking. Not everyone finds their only one that fast. But for now, just live your single life to the fullest gurl ( >u>)/
no it doesn't sound depressing at all. It's the first time I heard a case like this... so I can't judge you for anything. well I'm no better myself... I got this complex with guys, I dunno why, but I'm a bit afraid to start having feelings towards the other. I guess it started when I was a kid (I was fat and not that pretty ok) and I got this crush on a guy. But deep in my mind I know that I'm not good enough and I'll end up being rejected. So I denied that feeling of adoration, well basically killed that feeling, until all I felt for him is empty nothingness. This keeps going until Junior High, and then Highschool, and even now... I guess what I'm afraid of is change, and the thought of being in a relationship will only bring me down. Too much to handle... So I guess, no dating for me until I can make money for myself... because boys are a burden. And they said girls are trouble... HAH!!
hmm I think I have these PS1 games in storage somewhere... I forgot where I put them D: but I think we tried that before years ago. We put a PS1 game inside and it didn't work... I dunno, that was about 10 years ago XD I'll ask around and see if they can unblock it. And as for my brother... hmmm maybe I should wait until he's bored of the console, then I can get easy permission to unblock it. Cuz if I go unblocking the console without anyone knowing, I'll get into an argument with them. That's just annoying....
Hahahahaha XD Aerith do look better on KH II, what about Crisis Core? Have you played it? I remember Aerith involved in the series... First Zack, now Cloud
but I think Aerith is only interested in the love triangle between Cloud, Tifa, and herself, and not bearing any feelings towards Cloud, while Cloud have strong feelings for her, and Tifa being the end liking Cloud. So... yeah...
Ok Yuki XD Bwahahahaha I don't mean to trouble you with the pyramid of books XD why not a chair? or a tripod? I'm sorry to bother you like this for the sake of seeing a character strip LOL
You did it!!
Ok Yuki XD I'll stick to your shippings.
Here XD it gets funny at 2:00
Yeah XD he doesn't speak much in his Lets Plays. But this guy does
I just saw the trailer for The Fourth Kind. That's really interesting
Hahahahah XD that is adorable. With the oldest or second oldest? Sometimes if I'm scared out of a scary movie, I just stayed in my bedroom, but unable to sleep ._. Your co workers sound cool Yuki XD do you just laughed out loud literally? XD I would be discouraged if I were to do that...
Thank you Yuki (>ouo)> but for now... well... let's just keep it at that...
Aw c'mon Yuki, you're not annoying. And even if you are, I'm sure there's someone that can withstand your negativity and accept you for who you are. I know it's just wishful thinking. Not everyone finds their only one that fast. But for now, just live your single life to the fullest gurl ( >u>)/
no it doesn't sound depressing at all. It's the first time I heard a case like this... so I can't judge you for anything. well I'm no better myself... I got this complex with guys, I dunno why, but I'm a bit afraid to start having feelings towards the other. I guess it started when I was a kid (I was fat and not that pretty ok) and I got this crush on a guy. But deep in my mind I know that I'm not good enough and I'll end up being rejected. So I denied that feeling of adoration, well basically killed that feeling, until all I felt for him is empty nothingness. This keeps going until Junior High, and then Highschool, and even now... I guess what I'm afraid of is change, and the thought of being in a relationship will only bring me down. Too much to handle... So I guess, no dating for me until I can make money for myself... because boys are a burden. And they said girls are trouble... HAH!!
hmm I think I have these PS1 games in storage somewhere... I forgot where I put them D: but I think we tried that before years ago. We put a PS1 game inside and it didn't work... I dunno, that was about 10 years ago XD I'll ask around and see if they can unblock it. And as for my brother... hmmm maybe I should wait until he's bored of the console, then I can get easy permission to unblock it. Cuz if I go unblocking the console without anyone knowing, I'll get into an argument with them. That's just annoying....
Hahahahaha XD Aerith do look better on KH II, what about Crisis Core? Have you played it? I remember Aerith involved in the series... First Zack, now Cloud
Ok Yuki XD Bwahahahaha I don't mean to trouble you with the pyramid of books XD why not a chair? or a tripod? I'm sorry to bother you like this for the sake of seeing a character strip LOL