• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


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  • lol, it's okay

    I'm just really busy, so I won't be able to do it till tomorrow, if that is okay with you.
    Sorry about that

    Yes, I still want to trade but I don't think today will be a good day.
    we can battle now if u want, wats ur name?

    Name: Beast
    soulsilver fc: 4855 9176 7674
    it looks like im your partner for the tournament, i cant play on weekdays so if we could battle by tonight that would be great

    say 9 pm eastern time?
    Hi i am going to be your brothers opponent for the tournament. I seeing is that scubasol has said my reasons, i propose that your brother and i have the match tonight at 8pm.
    Right, switched you and your brother. You're now with Beastly. Tell your brother he's with Twilightheaven and that he/she needs to battle tonight since he/she has finals tomorrow.
    Hey, there. I just wanted to give you a heads up that Laz has dropped out of the tournament so you've taken his place. Your partner for the first round is codemaster. First round lasts from April 26 to April 28 during which time you must battle and post your result. Thanks!
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