Urbane Apr 8, 2009 It's not a game, it's a story collaboration. And you can start an RP about anything whenever. Just go to the RP section.
It's not a game, it's a story collaboration. And you can start an RP about anything whenever. Just go to the RP section.
Urbane Apr 6, 2009 1. They're called RPs. 2. I'm pretty sure all Demyx's are taken on every KH RP on the site.
A AngelOfpeace Apr 6, 2009 Lol ya....Sorry....But I like itT_TAlso welcome to khi^.^Feel free to add me!IBTW its nice to meet you.
Lol ya....Sorry....But I like itT_TAlso welcome to khi^.^Feel free to add me!IBTW its nice to meet you.
W W watermage9 Apr 6, 2009 Thanks I worked an hour on it. It's complicated getting use to the controls, but it is well worth it.
Thanks I worked an hour on it. It's complicated getting use to the controls, but it is well worth it.
Black Rose Witch Apr 6, 2009 hello, welcome to khi, if you like my page we should get along wonderful.
Urbane Apr 5, 2009 Welcome to KHI, in case you wanna know, there are also Xigbar, Larxene and Zexion Fanclubs. And thanks for the friend request.
Welcome to KHI, in case you wanna know, there are also Xigbar, Larxene and Zexion Fanclubs. And thanks for the friend request.