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  • Das krieg' ich aber noch vor dem neuen Jahr beantwortet, yep, yep.
    Auch noch frohe Weihnachten nachträglich.

    Der Manga von NGE bietet allerdings noch eine dritte Variante der Geschichte zusätzlich zum Anime und den Rebuilds, lol.
    Grundsätzlich sollte man bei NGE im Hinterkopf haben, dass das ganze Ding als gewollter "Stinkefinger" zu den typischen Mecha-Animes und Shonen-Klischee-Bomben mit ihren übermaskulinen Superhelden geplant war.
    Shinji ist definitiv ein gewollt kontroverser Charakter, allerdings gilt das für die gesamte Mannschaft, da ein weiterer Faktor die gewollte Darstellung von menschlichen Fehlern und mentalen Problemen ist (außer Ryoji Kaji, Fujutsuki und Kaworu hat praktisch jeder in NGE die eine oder andere Schraube locker).
    Sowohl Rei als auch Kaworu waren nicht gedacht solche Publikumslieblinge zu werden, sie sollten creepy und "anders" wirken weil sie eben *spoiler* Engel in Menschengestalt sind.
    In der original Serie hat Kaworu nur knapp 15 Minuten screentime in einer Folge, aber die Wirkung des Auftritts und seine Ambivalenz haben gereicht ihn neben Rei und Asuka zum eigentlichen "Star" des Franchises zu machen.
    Akira Ishida spricht oft solch eher geheimnisvolle oder ungewöhnliche männliche Figuren.
    (Und in KH denk' ich immer mehr das Ephemer der "Kaworu" der Serie ist).

    Hab' die Novel immer noch nicht anfangen können, musste meinen neuen Rechner (Weihnachtsgesschenk, die alte XP-Kiste von 2005 hat endlich ausgedient) in Schuss bringen und die ganze Spionage-Kacke von Windoof 10 abschalten.
    Einige der alten Spiele laufen hier auch nicht mehr *mecker mecker*
    Witzig, gerade die letzten zwei Tage habe ich es endlich geschafft, bei der PS3 Version von BBS weiterzumachen.
    Ven's story + Final Episode abgeschlossen und mit Aqua bereits Vanitas' Remnant, Trollanort und Eraqus' Rüstung gekillt. Letzterer kam mir für BBS Verhältnisse sogar recht "fair" vor und im Gegensatz zu Trollanort macht der Kampf gegen Blechaqus sogar Spaß.

    Durchaus eine logische Erklärung, obwohl man anführen muss, dass zumindest Roxas in manchen Teilen der Fanbase auch ziemlich kontrovers rüberkommt. Und Riku...der bekommt sehr wahrscheinlich den typischen Klischee-Männlichkeitsbonus. Emotionen wie Zorn, Wut und generelle Überheblichkeit gelten ja für "echte Männlichkeit" als erlaubt während Ventus da eher untypische Verhaltensweisen an den Tag legt.
    Naja, ähnliche Charaktere wie Vanille, z.B. Selphie in VIII oder Eiko in IX haben auch ziemlich die "Nerv"-Karte von der Fanbase verpasst bekommen, aber im direkten Vergleich mit Hope hat Vanille da unter Umständen den "Weiblichkeits"-Bonus bekommen weil ok, Mädels sind halt manchmal so, aber Hope ist männlich also soll er sich gefälligst wie einer benehmen und zusammenreißen!
    Alles totales Klischee, aber anscheinend immer noch weit in den Köpfen verbreitet.

    Das trifft wahrscheinlich den Nagel auf den Kopf. Manche Leute haben sogar noch nicht mal eine Ahnung davon, dass Worte, emotionale Folter und mentale Manipulation genauso viel wenn nicht sogar noch mehr Schaden anrichten können als direkte physische Gewalt.

    Genau, und momentan ist es totale Moppelkotze weil absolut nichts interessantes passiert in UX. Sogar Nomura's übliche Schock-und-Twist-um-jeden-Preis Lotterie verliert hier total ihre Wirkung, weil man die letzten Hauptstory-Teile schon wieder vergessen hat wenn der nächste kommt.

    Es kommt sicherlich auf die Perspektive an und im generellen Sinn gesprochen ist Xion kein schlechter Charakter. Wenn man die Prioritäten anders setzt und nicht zu sehr mit anderen Parts der Serie vergleicht kann auch ihre Rolle recht unterhaltsam und "herzschmerzig" sein. Die meisten Probleme haben die Fans, welche zuvor jede Menge Headcanons/Interpretationen über Roxas (und Axel) sowie deren Zeit in der Organisation von den wenigen Szenen und Infos in KH 2 und KH 2 FM hatten und deren Vorstellungen komplett über den Haufen geworfen wurden.

    Das größte Problem was ich hier sehe neben der offensichtlichen schlechten Qualität ist, dass dies Kairi's genereller Beliebtheit in der Fanbase wahrscheinlich nur noch mehr schaden wird.
    Hmm, wenn man die Rückblenden mit Xehanort in Betracht zieht und Eraqus' eigene Aussage dass er damals bereits versagt hat, sieht es eher so aus als ob Eraqus für lange Zeit zu vertrauenselig war (eine parallele zu Ansem dem Weisen bevor er DiZ wurde fürwahr) und dann in BBS selbst im Übereifer über die Strenge schlägt. Nach seinem Kampf mit Terra zeigt er ja zumindest Ansätze von Verständnis (ob das einen Sinneswandel bringen würde wurde ja nicht weiter verfolgt).
    Pff, bei dem was KH 3 alles auf dem Teller hat wundere ich mich schon ob Eraqus' Einstellungen und eventuelle Lerneffekte überhaupt Platz eingeräumt bekommen.
    Lol ja, solche Reden kommen manchmal rüber wie von religiösen Fanatikern, aber interessanterweise kann ich solche Sprüche von Aqua nach 0.2 sogar bis zu einem gewissen Punkt nachvollziehen weil sie den ganzen Mist live am eigenen Leib erlebt hat.
    Zu sagen, dass all ihr Leid und das, was Ven und Terra zugefügt wurde, die Schuld der "Dunkelheit" ist, ist natürlich zu einfach und kurz gegriffen (Xehanort ist schuld), aber ich könnte mir denken, dass Riku ihr diesen feinen Unterschied erklären kann (Micky ist anscheinend zu vergesslich und Yen Sid zu faul dazu).

    Wasser, insbesondere in Brunnen- und/oder Fließform wie mit Wasserspielen etc. ist auch eines meiner Faibles, weshalb ich besonders auf ein weiter wiederherstelltes Radiant Garden gespannt bin und ein hoffentlich erweitertes LoD und Twilight Town (das Abendrot-Viertel ist auch so ein schöner Ort).
    Daybreak Town in seiner Gänze wäre auch super interessant mit den Wasserfällen, Gärten, dem Leuchtturm und Katakomben.
    Deswegen würde auch der Agrabah-Palast in die Reihe passen.
    Arendelle wäre ideal um die Power der Unreal Engine richtig zu zeigen (und ich würde hoffen, dass Sora & co alle passende Winterkleidung bekommen wenn sie diese Welt besuchen).

    Jaa, und jetzt haben sie die Betonstufen vor den Hauseingangstüren weggerissen, man muss nun über eine Baubrücke laufen, lol.

    LW hat einfach zu viele von diesen Siegelattacken welche irgemdwas blockieren. In Sachen Fairness find' ich Sephiroth und Roxas immer noch am besten in KH 2 FM. Eine Herausforderung die aber fair gestaltet ist. Blechaqus in BBS FM also kommt dem näher als Trollanort oder SchwarzWeiß-Vanitas.

    Das es sich durch die ganze Serie zieht, auch wenn in BBS es teilweise eher nachvollziehbar ist, zeugt nur davon, dass die generelle Szenarioplanung einige erzählerische Schwächen aufweist welche die Gesamtqualität schmälern. Wenn diverse Fans in weniger als zwei Stunden komplette Leiftfäden ersinnen können welche nicht nur TAV's Freundschaft besser zur Geltung bringen, sondern auch Micky, Eraqus und Vanitas ohne viel extra Aufwand in eine engere Beziehung zu allen drei Hauptpersonen stellen, zeigt es, dass eine koherente Hauptgeschichte anscheinend keine Priorität hatte.

    Früchteball ist bei mir wirklich nur dötzen bis der Arzt kommt bei völliger Ignorierung des Gegenspielers. Alles auf Tor und meistens reicht es. ;P

    FF XV habe ich auch immer noch nicht starten können, obwohl ich die Deluxe Edition (mit Kingsglaive, Masamune und Extra-Anzug für Noct) habe. Muss mal schauen, ob ich dass jetzt im Urlaub endlich mal anfangen kann.
    Eine Charakter-bezogene Geschichte, welche nicht dieselben nicht genug beleuchtet? Thema verfehlt würde ein Lehrer sagen. Allerdings, im Gegensatz zu Type-0 gibbet da jetzt nicht diese (kostenlosen?) Episode X-DLCs welche einzelne Charaktere während des Hauptspiels nochmals beleuchten und so praktisch Tiefe "nachliefern"? Natürlich immer noch irgendwie blöd und Flickenteppich-like aber besser als das, was Type-0 hat.
    Ein hüpfender Geländewagen? Noctis und seine bros sind ja besser ausgerüstet als Batman und Lara Croft zusammen, rofl.

    Fast alles wäre aber besser gewesen als solch eine forcierte, billige Variante wie die in 0.2 welche das Finale von KH 1 indirekt über den Haufen wirft und Absichten beiseite Micky (und Yen Sid) in fast jedem Fall wie unbarmherzige Arschlöcher aussehen lassen. Nicht zu vergessen, dass ursprünglich laut Blank Points Sora derjenige sein sollte welcher Aqua (und die anderen sechs welche nach ihm rufen) rettet, von Riku war nie die Rede bis 0.2.
    Das Problem liegt generell da, dass all die "Verbindungen", welche Kairi mit Aqua hat bereits in BBS mehr forciert und oberflächlich wirkten als die welche Sora und Riku mit Teilen des BBS trios geknüpft haben. Ganz am Ende spricht BBS ja auch von den zwei Helden (Sora & Riku) welche in Zukunft die Welten retten werden.
    Kairi war immer nur ein Anhängsel/Nebengedanke bisher, weshalb ich Kritik in die Richtung auch meist unterstütze.

    Heh, vielleicht kommt da ja mit KH 3 nächstes Jahr das große Umdenken.
    Von NieR hab' ich nun mal gar keine Ahnung, die einzigen Dinge die ich darüber weiß ist das die NieR-Welt die Zukunft der Welt aus der Drakengard-Serie darstellt und das die Hauptcharaktere alle Days-Riku fans sind da sie durchweg silberne Haare haben und mit Augenbinden rumrennen.

    Wahrscheinlich, lol. Besonders die Kombo Lethal Frame (oder Ars Arcanum) in Verbindung mit der Dschafar-Feindkarte ist der reinste Bosskiller.

    Diese Begriffe erzeugen bei mir alle ein wenig Unbehagen. Mathe über Klasse 11 hinaus ist einfach nix für mich wie's scheint.

    Zugegeben, HdR und sein Mythos sind auch etwas speziell und nicht unbedingt für Jedermann, wobei es da zwischen den Filmen und den Original Büchern nochmals meilenweite Unterschiede gibt.
    Nichts gegen die Filme, die sind wirklich gut gemacht und die meisten Schauspieler top (hab mal gelesen, dass der Darsteller von Aragorn die meisten seiner Stunts selbst gemacht hat), aber sie kürzen an manchen Stellen doch massiv und viele der Weltenbau-Elemente aus den Büchern fallen ebenfalls raus.

    Scheint auch viel extra story-zeug zu kommen in letzter Zeit für FF XV.
    Ich denke mal FF hat ne' größere Chance auch hier Konzerte zu veranstalten als KH, auch weil die original PC-Versionen für FF VII und FF VIII hier in Deutschland rausgekommen sind.
    this, my dear, is what a counter-strike feels like!
    ahhh it feels so satisfying

    You seem to forget you are without power in front of me, for I feed on your memeful art.
    This is why Most Precious Xemnas was no cancer, it was a treasure.
    And a shield I will use right now!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA
    Wow. In the end this game gets so many different reactions from different people, it's actually a good thing in my eyes. The internet kinda just pushed this "ugh ffxv is a disasterrrr" opinion down my throat all the time, so hearing the different nuances from you and other forum users on the main ffxv thread makes me deal with everything way better. I love how you hated the stealth elements, while I personally loved them. This game has all spices lol
    Oh goshhh the "walk slower Iggy is blind" scene and Malboro battleeee, jeez, I actually walked slower and let Ignis and Gladdy Daddy catch up with me, then was like "well SHIT we're all going to hell" when I saw that it's gonna be a freakin' Malboro & Malbobabies fight. It was a good thing for me - the game put me in an uncomfortable situation and I could get in touch with everyone's frustration and shitty feel at that time xD I appreciate that kind of stuff, though of course, to say that I appreciate it it actually means I sincerely hated it at the said moment
    I am thirsty for collecting all info possible in absolutely every game and always put in extra effort for more lore, so you can imagine I felt in my element collecting notes, letters, various items and stuff, both in Chapter 13 and in Episode Prompto, as that pretty much was the way the story was told (though in Episode Prompto this was built-in so perfectlyyyy)
    Oh, the expectations thing could be the factor that makes a huge difference indeed. I didn't have expectations and enjoyed the game for what it had, this made me (surprise surprise) ADORE everything that happened from Chapter 9 onwards, it was so dynamic and I especially especially enjoyed Chapter 13. It was one hell of a chapter, man, the tension! The location! Foras hunting you down narrow corridors, you with only the Ring, Ardyn talking creeps into your head, magitek soldiers gone wrong jump-scaring you, the way you access the lore by picking up notes and trying to connect all the info etc. All these things made me interested enough to play through the last chapters till 4 a.m. ! It's so strange because, after playing the game, I went on the internet to google stuff about it and found out that everyone and their grandma hated the heck out of it. People really wanted this game to be somehow only they could imagine, at their imaginary standards, and with those in mind so many were disapointed, a disapointment fed by the false belief that this game "was in development for 10 years".

    But I give you that, not feeling the characters that much, like parts of their portraits were, well, not missing, but blurry, so they would have needed more description. Even so, I could read just enough in their characters and relationship that I felt the game was a great play. It's good that I understand what you mean now, the last phrase was good help xD

    and oh my
    for a moment I felt virtual death's chill wind, such is the might of Voido's text between " * "symbols...
    but then I remembered I'm immortal on the internet.
    Oh gosh, you should have seen the RotG fandom years ago, they were a crazy bunch of Jack Frost lovers extreme, but all the fanart and stuff was really cute <3

    I, on the other hand, very much liked the fact that everyone didn't feel "ok" with how events needed to go on and eventually end - it taught the lesson of going on even if you don't like what it takes and its consequences, Noctis had to do it, he learnt to accept it with enough wisdom and self-control as to serve the greater good. The ending was sad, but it was what was needed and it's everything the story is about, not defying your fate, but accepting it, accepting yourself and your position and pushing forward. Kinda like what Regis says in the opening of Ep.Ignis. I saw the canon ending as the natural, logical and mature way for everything to end, meeting the solution to the major problem which was affecting all Eos, the Starscourge and Ardyn. But the alternate ending... that's too much forcing your luck against the inner laws of the universe, opening too many plotholes and leaving many moments in which Ignis seems just overpowered and out-of-character to me

    I hope you won't bite my head off for disliking aspects of this DLC... I gotta say I liked Episode Prompto way more...
    Yes that ending, that sentence, that Game Over was heartbreaking, but I actually prefer that ending to the alternate sugar-coated one, to be very, very honest the alternate ending where no sacrifice is made really is underwhelming and cheap in my opinion, it takes away so much of Noct's character development and makes everything so shallow. The train ride never happens, Prompto never comes to terms with himself and the others, where's Shiva telling Noctis about Luna's feelings (him coming to terms with her death is a key sequence for him to accept himself and his responsibility), they never find out the truth about the Empire and all the magitek and daemons, there is no hard proof that Ardyn was actually killed so that he can't ever return (if Noct remained alive after the battle in the Citadel. Saving the world from the Scourge and Ardyn required a blood sacrifice. Where is that one paid in this alternate ending?? Does the story suddenly start contradicting itself or just overlooks all the requirements it spent so much time to build? Ignis putting on the ring, using it AND remaining alive, just because Noct suddenly was buddies with the Crystal and asked nicely so fate itself obeyed and saved a mere mortal friend from death? And Nyx died just like that, sure. And Noct also died just like that, in the canon ending. Honestly, Ignis surviving the use of the Ring is so forced, it makes all the other sacrifices look like retarded unknowingly-made mistakes.
    Surprisingly, the alternate ending didn't make me feel any better about it all. Putting things like that, it really really downplays Noct's depth as a character, as well as Ardyn's, and Prompto's and Gladio's. And there are more reasons I am not ok with this DLC.
    but Ardyn's portrayal isn't one of them, I was so pleasantly surprised by how perfect he was in there, every time. Ravus had good screentime too.
    I have a heart, I know because it melted when I started the Episode, seeing little Noct like that was the sweetest thing in all this December ; w ;
    so of course I won't refuse that request, I am also so curious about it, I'll do it!! have patience!! I'll do it!! *tear

    so what was that one sentence that intrigued you so much? because I replayed the episode already and I am sure I memorized the things pretty well
    was it "The Founder King?" or was it "Your Majesty" said by Ignis in the alternate ending at the veryyy end

    I wait for someone to post a reply on the FFXV thread so I can write my impressions there and stuff, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Haha, definitely does. I hope you're having a good holiday season btw!
    YES I completely agree! The novels can be taken as canon imo, unless the game eventually shows something that conflicts with the novels there, but it lines up so far (at least for Vanitas's story). He's a really amazing character!one of my favorites also for sure
    i finished the dlc and all endings and
    I will write more tomorrow I am TRASH TIRED HHH
    3 days of non-stop gaming is ENOUGH
    Sorry for disappearing again omg but that's awesome!
    I'm guessing Vanitas is your favorite character? O:
    I never thought of the possible difficulties of a cute gay chick writing male x male fanfics D: ..... this sounds strangely sad :< I really wanna hug you now!!!!!!
    I am not a big fan of shipping in general so I am thirsty for characters but by themselves ya feel?
    thirsty for some Vani action all the time, as well as thirst for various things like Mansex's voice or chocobro pectorals or Ardyn's snarky smile
    or Riku's freakin' face I wanna smooch it
    and I don't care that I'm straight Aranea can step on me mmmmmhhhh

    what I want to say is
    I'm glad you're a sane fangirl tho, yet still create flawless dramatic memes
    you are a precious pepe
    I love that response lol xD
    and you know??? to be honest, I expected more cringe in the shipping stuff! like, why j u s t k i s s???????????????
    really, Voido? really?
    JUST kiss?
    it either means that you are a sane thristy fangirl with common sense left
    or you're not thristy enough :>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>
    Hmmm lemme try describing this thing actually, to get the picture better
    BBS Lea feels like a certain way, let's call it "A"
    Lea is "nobodified", the nobody is Axel
    Axel retains Lea's memories and, since memories are key to personality in KH, SHOULD feel like A as well
    Axel, however, feels like a different way, let's call it B
    Axel feeling like B to us is explainable because we don't know what happened to him through time till CoM
    DDD, Lea returns, is supposed to feel like A again, but feels like B

    from here it can be equally possible to say:
    - BBS Lea had a youngster mindset/personality, he grew up (even if in the form of Axel), then we understand why Lea continues to feel like Axel to us. Axel is just a mature Lea, and DDD Lea continues to be this mature Lea. One point to those who say Axel and Lea are indeed one and the same person.
    - BBS Lea had his own personality, but as Axel he developed a different personality and therefore a different individuality, DDD Lea continues to act based on Axel's memories until he figures out where his personal approach really is after all this time in all this mess. One point to those who say Axel is a different person than Lea.

    Chances are 50/50, I think. I really like this, but I really am afraid to think about how I will never be fond of Lea, strangely and ironically, and just want Axel back all the time.

    Ah, a genderless titty-monster. What a concept lol as creepy as the interaction level being higher between Mansex and Sore in ONE trailer than in a trio of keyblade wielders in one entire game.............................................................. *tear
    technically tho, Mansex is bbbbaaaasssiiiccccaaaallllyyyy Terra and Sora HAS Ven's heart inside so????? does that count?? no?? ok :<

    *gets popcorn*
    I honestly just can't feel right about the idea of their identities mixing, but that's just me. I know Lea and Axel being just "phases" of the same person makes sense with their shared memories and goals stuff, but something really bugs me about this. Maybe it's too "easy" or too "simple" of a story for KH standards yknow? There MUST be something more tragic, even just a pinch let's hope not tho

    I saw some Dissida gameplay as her and wow, that's too naked even for me, who is a slut but Kill la Kill xD her voice is really hot tho (I just got an idea.... but I better not draw anything, oh no..)
    Vanitas not shooting Unversed in Ven's face for once, that is the sign of TRUE LOVE and GREEN LIGHT FOR THIRSTY SHIPPERS
    but now on a serious note, if the emotional connection between them works the way we understood, anything related to that showing up in a scene or even just a sentence somewhere would make my day. I'm sure it would give me enough hype-energy so I could draw comics about that bittersweet fluff for decades ; o ;

    We'll find out in less than a year. Less than a year, buddy. LESS THAN A YEAR T W T
    imagine like, preordering the game and when it arrives, we got SHAKY HANDS and DESPERATELY want to post it to our instagram or pick your social media poison, and the photo is blurry SHIT and we just upload it with a descrition like "hoooOOOOOOooooooooo YESssSSSS FINALLY ITSBEEN84YEARS aww yisss BRB DYING actually no I STArt lIVING!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU NOMURA SENSEI"
    and then we get 2 likes and that's it
    but we see those 2 likes only 3 days of nonstop playing
    and in those 3 days we didn't make it to the second world yet cuz we explore literally every corner and every shadow of every grass-piece idk and sigh in peace

    oh and about Minnie.....
    .......you are right about that media thing, seems like just another source of personal insecurities dressed up as funny escapism. But lets drop the topic before it gets depressing ; ^ ;

    Darn it, so I didn't remember because there was nothing to remember. Ugh.................
    I need Axel more than I need Lea, I swear. And there WILL be a huge identity crisis about that I'm sure of it. We want Axel! Axel did so many things, after all. There's almost nothing about Lea yet...
    and I will not imagine the Minnie Mouse thing. I pass. Yes. I saw enough Buff!Undertale fanart to see to what hilarious places such a thing could go xD (don't google it because it's full of spoilers for the game!!)

    I'd rather imagine him as a "badass asshole on the good side though doesn't look like it", you know? Like Aranea, she is so hot perfectly evil-looking but in fact her heart is in the right spot. That kind of aura is ok imo for a possible side-turning Vani too. Oh well I guess Aranea already is some kind of anti-hero so more points for our beautiful "I'll make a man out of Prompto" chick ;]

    guess I have more hype in me than I thought aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    and well, I assume, since Vanitas was created when Ven didn't have his old memories, that Vanitas doesn't recall anything from the past either. Unless Papa Plottwist (Nomura) decides otherwise! and if that will be the case then damn, more depth to his character???? do want???
    Re-read your sentence and tell me if it doesn't go with our shitty media-consume standards. Bullying people in bad shows? Getting money from it? Right up our alley Voido, it's as clear as Aqua's eyes
    which reminds me of something I forgot (what a KH-esque sentence! ah!)
    so in the 0.2 opening there's Aqua reaching out for Terra and Ven but then HA! YOU THOUGHT IT WAS YOUR FRIENDS ALL THE TIME! BUT IT WAS ME, DIO! I mean, it was Venitas and Terranort. Then they attack her. Ok, but I completely forgot and can't remember right now - was Venitas actually shown during 0.2?? I remember clearly (because of the bad dialogue) that there was Terra with Terranort tendencies and then things escalated, but as for Ventus or Vanitas... there was only Ven sleeping in Snow White's glass coffin, and... I don't remember, was there more or should I really dig up all 0.2 scenes again ; ^ ;
    That was one of the things that made me want to play 0.2 the most, but now that I actually remember this, I don't know if I actually got the desired content D:

    Gosh, Vanitas in Nomura's style... wishful thinking... wishful thinking.. or lustful lol
    Maybe he didn't illustrate him aaaaand not even Unchained unmasked him and made lots of medals with him (only way later, compared to other medals) because Vanitas is a walking spoiler? BBS is out for so much time already but idk really. Back when I played BBS, the internet spoiled me and showed me his Sora face (I avoided saying real face cuz... who knows how his real face is. But I bet he's handsome) so I couldn't feel the "woaaa" at his face's reveal during Ven's story. However, being a sadist myself, I fell in love anyway

    I am laughing so much everytime I read Eraqueez, omg, how much of a fool can I be xD..... oh IGN..... you're simply the .... worst
    I remember how much I hyped for that chess symbolism, like damn!! Yes!! Void Gear chess pieces! possible clues! Vanitas about to git gud and beat Dark Souls!!
    ho boi, I live for the possibility of Vanitas turning against the Norts, oh man oh man. You say "not switching sides" but look at irrational Lavinia hoping for such stuff. ALL MY YES, it would be THE best choice, betraying the Norted Boy Band!!

    there I go again, I -have- hopes for stuff to happen, but I'm sure I'll handle any provided content well in any case
    except for the case you mentioned, if they make him repeat his brainless teen BBS storyline. That would be the cheapest thing in KH lore ever
    Somehow I feel good that I stopped following DSDS lol
    idk Dieter was always hilarious but those gifs scream "CANCER"

    5000 years ago, that's accurate for my 3 years on the forums, because 3 is only an acronym for like... 5000...... abort joke abort jokeeeeee

    ahhhh I was waiting till Vanitas shows up, it fills me with determination unhealthy love for this character
    all the wasted time indeed, time we could have spent fangirling over him

    just imagine if there's scenes with him in KH3, we'll have MORE material to drool over. We only got the BBS scenes and the 3 seconds of Vanitas in DDD which is so discouraging ; ^ ;

    but really now, his theme is among the Heroes and Heroines orchestra arrangement and this is still FISHY AS HECK. I was listening to the orchestra world tour record yesterday and, of course while getting goosebumps nearly every 10 seconds of each tracks without exception and realizing my everlasting love for this series again and again, I can't help but STILL wonder why Vanitas's theme is there
    there MUST be something
    there simply MUST be
    we need this >>>>>>> [IMG] <<<<<<< SEXY DARKNESS DUDE
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