Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Oh btw, do you have any good packs of C4Ds or anything like that? I got some from the Kaz pack but I haven't found a use for them, and I saw something like on in the tag you made for me.
Well, it paid off. My fucking hand/wrist still hurts. There's no way of it healing unless I'm off the computer for a day or so but that's not gonna happen, haha.
Yeahh, I didn't like my job too much either. After 3 years I as like fuuck this. Now that I'm gone I wish I was there for a couple of days now, haha. Not having money sucks. Well, I have money, but it's from loans here at school so yeah.
I remember getting one wayyy back when and used it like once. I remember trying to customize it myself but I ended up getting pissed cause I didn't know how to work CSS.