Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, which comes out (for the US) May 25th. Lost Planet 2 comes out on the 11th. Wish I had a PSP so I could get MGSW, but I might buy the original Lost Planet, if I get $10.
I liked the part where Ocelot fell from the other part of the plane when he is trying to get to Snake and Eva. (The part you mentioned was funny also, the Shagohod is the name)
That is the case with me too. I, however, have an older AND younger sister. Oh well, here's a hilarious video for you. Enjoy! ^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFRDh9Ev6jg
Really? That's good to hear! Most people consider me smart, but I don't exactly have the most common sense. To me, you either get one or the other. Either high common sense or high "book smarts" as my sister would say. XD
Truth is....they have been long dead since you left. I guess people can't manage time well anymore since they can't post in an RP. Me and Jozi are actually doing a colab RP for Brutal Legend. Only join if you can make time for it. I don't want it to die and I also don't want to be at fault for the lowering of your grades (if they ever would).
The story gets really good near the end, and the gameplay is very fun. I love how Kratos can just mindlessly plow through enemies with the Blades of Chaos. XD A good PS3 alternative would be Heavenly Sword, although it is very short, but it looks like a Femme-fatale version of God of War. BTW, here's a song for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pwap79uy1G8
I thought it was pretty good, just a bit short and VERY frustrating. I recommend getting GoW: Collection for PS3, because it comes with GoW 1 and 2, and a lot of secret bonus content. I do recommend that you at least try it though.
I actually have started watching it. It is like a romantic version of Gundam. I have a feeling you might like it. Oh, and I finally beat God of War. ^^ Onto God of War II.
Well, I my time zone is eastern, which if it were 8:00 AM, you would be 16 hours ahead, making it midnight, plus add a day because of the international date line. I'm glad you enjoyed your long break, mine felt too short.
They have been inactive for a while. I have missed you so much! So, how was your spring break? Oh, and here is a song for you to rock out to. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXTC0SmgE2s&NR=1
wow its been so long since we talked to each other :O
well hawaii is alright but the only thing that makes me hate it so muh iving here is that there making more nd more houses and tht its harder for ppl to go anyware and theres so many traffic lol i can go on for hours but id rather not hehe i just wanna meet ya, u got a facebook? myspace? tokboks or msn?