Tell me what you think of this plot for Dragon Ball GT i made up. I figured since they have searched the Earth for Dragon Balls, searched Namek for Dragon Balls, and even went across the universe searching for dragon balls, maybe they could go through out different time periods searching for dragon balls.
After the defeat of Baby the Z fighters are at peace but Supreme Kai appears and ask them to fight in a tournament where the winner is given the title of strongest in the universe. The ones opposing Supreme Kai and his fighters are the evil kais, also known as the Makais who rule the demon realm spoken of through out the series.
Anyways Goku wins this tournament and foils some kind of plan the Makais had to over throw supreme kai and become rulers of the universe.
The Makais then formulate a plan to use the dragon balls to go back in time and change history so Goku is never born and thus they will have a chance to rule the universe without anyone to stop them.
They use the dragon balls to open a rift in time. Goku tries to stop them but they escape into the rift and take teh dragon balls with them.
King Kai reveals that having something as powerful as the dragon balls scattered through time periods other than their own could have terrible side effects. So Goku and friends use a time machine created by Bulma to begin a journey through time. They visit places like Ancient Rome, the caveman era, Ancient Planet Vegeta and Planet Namek, ect.
At the end of the journey, Goku's meddling in time has caused the creation of many alternate timelines thus leading to an inbalance in the fabric of space and time which opens a portal to the area outside of space where nothing exist, the void.
From this void comes a powerful being who Goku is only able to defeat by catching him off guard.
Thinking that they have won the heros use the dragon balls to repair space and time and then return to their own timeline.
The powerful being from the void follows Goku to his timeline and there he is able to defeat SS4 Goku.
Goku survives however and is rescued by Supreme Kai. The Kais explain the origins of this evil being. When the universe first came into existence there was four original races that evolved. The Kais, the Ogres (Like King Yemma), the demons, and the Ares. As other races began to evolve the four original races knew that had to create some kind of order in the universe, a type of government. While the Kais and the Ogres wanted to rule the universe without directly interfering with the universe, the Ares and Demons wanted to rule the universe with an iron fist.
This disagreement led to a great war. Even though the Ares possesed strength greater than a SS4 and thus outclassed the Kais in terms of power, the Kais magical capabilities exceeded that of the Ares. As such the Kais were able to seal the Ares away in the void and banished the demons to the tip of the universe which would later be called the demon realm.
The Kais then created the other world where souls of the dead could go instead of over filling the universe and thus causing chaos. The Kais would rule Other World and the universe as it's overseers and the Ogres would run the day to day opperations of other world.
Now the evil being is actually the last of the Ares race and now seeks to do what his ancestors saught to do long ago. He wishes to rule the universe with an iron fist. However there was an obstacle in his way, Goku. Goku was considered the strongest in the universe and thus a threat.
Originally this Ares fought with a Goku in one of the alternate timelines Goku had created. The Goku in that timeline was trying to achieve the SS5 power in order to stop him but instead the power was too much to handle but it still almost killed the Ares anyways. So the Ares used his extreme power to try and combat the power coming off of Goku this resulted in the universe of that timeline being destroyed. Thus this Ares found himself again in the void. Of course later he was released by the Goku of the main timeline which brings us to the current story.
Now the Goku of this timeline reaches SS5 which is revealed to be the true poteintial of the saiyan race, the final and ultimate Super Saiyan form, a power that could only be obtained by someone who had evolved to the SS4 level.
Unlike the Goku of the alternate timeline, the Goku of the main timeline is able to control his SS5 powers and ends up killing the Ares. Since Goku defeats someone who destroyed the universe (Even if it was in an alternate timeline) this thus makes Goku the strongest being in the universe.
What do you think?