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  • lmao "smarter friend"~ Awww but I have to beg your to entertaining to let leave!!!
    marker? *u*
    Umineko - Kanon vs Lucifer - YouTube Lucifer versus Kanon. Let's see Sora fight the Seven Stakes of Purgatory off or the black haired girl with red eyes named Lucifer and the other girls with her, except for the maid and the woman in the Victorian dress.
    Funnily enough, I was never much of a poet. XD Yeah, its pretty funny. But I fear I may be a bit too slow to keep up.:(
    TnT I get that problem some times, I'm not sure if it's cause I talk to fast or what. I'd have faceplamed to, it's a very simply 3 piece set up. xD
    Pffft vast knowledge my ass! xD I correct my parents all the time and I can't even grasp most the poems things you do in that thread.
    Faking emotions isn't much better though. =[ Though I'm not one that is easily hurt with words as I speak my mind and talk down to whoever is trying to do the same to me.
    Sadly when they get to that stage, nothing they read will make them think otherwise. She'll either eventually get mature and get over it or degrade into a drama queen like some of my relatives are.
    D= Aw sorry to hear about your foot. ten miles is outrageous! o_0
    Fighting over something silly?
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