• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


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  • It's fine. I see. Yes, it is! With like four parks and Magic Kingdom that'll remind you somewhat of Disneyland. :p So do you have a date for your prom?
    Yeah, sorry about dumping it on you. I was busy and you are the only other one that updates the front page.
    Yeah, I always wanted to go to Disneyland. I've only been to Disney World, closer to where I live. Only like 2,000 and something miles...whereas Disneyland is more further West. XD
    Pretty cool. Me too. Mine's May 8. I'll send you a picture once I get it. Ooh lovely. I think it's a cool color if I must say so myself. Well that's great and could it be anywhere Disney-related then?
    Hey! How've you been?
    Trying to keep away from the Swine flu?
    I am....*sighs* I saw that RP thread you know with Disneyland!
    I'm going to join but just tell me is there a deadline?
    Oh and when's your prom? Mine's next Friday. Can't wait!
    hope you like my first post its alex doing a trick for the people on the Tram Sharron and Mike should be shocked be the trick anyways post quickly.

    So how is the lovely Spyells doing today.
    I mainly listen to rock, but depending on the rap I'll listen to it. Mostly the old stuff, but some of the new is good. Who do you listen to?

    Random question: How do you pronouce Spyells?
    Hello, I'd like to wish you good luck with the site. You did a good job with your last article.
    In the home page, when you wrote for the figures and official boxart of 358/2 Days. You mispelled "Figures", you wrote "Figrues".
    You're welcome.

    BTW I'm gonna post my Disney Character template soon, I'm still not sure who I want to be yet.
    That sounds cool, I hope you can find a good translator.

    Oh before I forget if Madammina can't finish your sig she's gonna send me what she has and I'm gonna finish it for you.
    *Thumbs up*

    Cool! So I see you now do the updates for the main site, is it cool to do that?
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