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  • I know that is the entire reason why I want it so bad.It is supposedly a cavered out 3-D Pikcachu instead of just an imprint.
    Here is that Pika DS I have always wanted. That I said that I would show you.
    Wow I heard that it wasn't that good. I reserved FF:Dissdia today and then I come to find that it doesn't come out till my summer is over.
    I know right. I will have to get you a picture of the DS someday. Why are you not into Pokemon anymore?
    Yeah the one DS that I have always wanted was a Bright Yellow Pikachu DS Lite that had a Pikachu face on the front.
    I wish they would at least let the NA have more PSP colors. We have like what 4 while Jap and Euro have like 7.
    If they do make one it should be a gold PSP with a black inprint of TAV (The picture of them that are one the KHLiteV2) would be awsome.
    The one concerning the advertisement you wish to place on the front page?
    I'm afraid that you're asking in the wrong place for assistance in that catagory; all that I'm able to do proficiently on this site is write.
    I'm sorry that I'm not able to provide you with any help; I'm sure that Audo would know, though.
    Sounds cool. A guy friend asked me out but I have to remind him strictly that we're going as friends. I kind of like this guy but I didn't want to ask him plus he never asked me. D: But I guess I'll take what I can get. XD
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